the jig is up part 2

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Next day
Justin pov

I wake up to Spencer missing. I pick up my phone to see a message from him saying 'at work if I'm not back by 3pm come get me' I sigh and check the time to see it's 1pm.

After getting ready for the day i pick up both my and Spencer's motorbike helmets. I get on my bike and go to Starbucks.

"Hey what can i get you"

"Um can I have a triple red eye please"

"Your funeral"

After i finish my drink I look at the time to see it's 2 30 and I head to see spence.

Spencer pov

I watch the security as three police men walk into my office and lift up the red blanket over my victim.

I turn the camera off and walk into the room but they are no where to be seen. I start the trap and the two men come out of hiding. I run away however one of then follows me as the other two try to stop the trap.

I run down a hall way but I'm shot in the leg. I turn around just as he hits the trip wire and is blone to pieces by the 4 shot gun. Suddenly I hear 3 gun shots go off then someone running down the hall way. "Honey. Are you ok" I hear Justin say as he runs over to me.


"Let's get you out of here" he picks me up and takes me home. We get about 2 miles away from be building before I blow it up and all of the evidence. "Let's get you to a hospital"

2 years later

"You ready to go baby" Justin asks as he walks into the room. I zip up my suitcase and give him a quick kiss. We were going to Amity island for a week's holiday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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