enjoy your slay part 1

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Soul mate au

Justin pov
1995 (age 5)

I was sat eating a lunch of white-bread and milk with my passive, skinny, black-haired mother, who is reading The Catcher in the Rye.

"Do you really want to go and live in that hotel for the winter?" I ask

"Sure I do. It'll be lots of fun." Mum says putting her book down.

"Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, there's hardly anybody to play with around here." I say.

"Yeah, I know. It always takes a little time to make new friends." She says smiling down at me.

"Yeah, I guess so." I frown.

"What about Spencer? He's lookin' forward to the hotel, I bet." She says.

I use my index finger as a bobbing, puppet-figure to act and speak in a roughened voice like spencer (a fantasy character of my imagination.) "No he isn't, Mrs. Morrow"

"Now come on, Spencer, don't be silly."

"I don't want to go there, Mrs. Morrow." Danny (as Spencer) says

"Well, how come you don't want to go?"

"I just don't." Spencer says

"Well, let's just wait and see. We're all going to have a real good time." She says kissing my forehead.

That evening

I stood infront if the mirror in my bathroom brushing my teeth, already receiving clairvoyant, visionary messages from his make-believe playmate "Spencer" and I'm told that my father has been offered the hotel job. Suddenly I am shown that my mother will receive a phone call from dad about the job.

At first, Spencer resists but then shows me a terrifying, bloody, psychic vision. I suddenly become connected with a hotel's murderous forces and senses something evil about our future home even before we had even arrived. waves of deep-red blood silently splash from the double-doors of an elevator in the hotel lobby, decorated art-deco style. Blood squeezes out of the firmly-shut red elevator doors and fills the lobby.

Two of the Overlook's were a pair of young, mannequin-like girls. each wearing a blue party dress, holding hands in a flower-wallpapered hallway, and staring grimly at the camera, appear in a cut-in for an instant between the engulfing waves of spilling blood. I stare horrified, face reacts with mouth gaping open.

Next day in car

"Hey! Wasn't it around here that the Donner Party got snowbound?" Mum asks as she sat in the passengers seat.

"I think that was farther west in the Sierras." Dad corrects.

"Oh." She says.

"What was the Donner Party?" I ask.

"They were a party of settlers in covered-wagon times. They got snowbound one winter in the mountains. They had to resort to cannibalism in order to stay alive." Dad says

"You mean they ate each other up?" I ask.

"They had to, in order to survive."

"Jack..." Mum starts.

"Don't worry, Mum. I know all about cannibalism. I saw it on TV."

"See, it's OK. He saw it on the television."

At the hotel

We are given a tour of the luxurious and beautiful hotel in a tracking shot that follows Ullman, dad, and mum, we pass numerous workmen closing up the facility for the winter. In the richly-furnished hotel (in the Colorado Lounge), which has incongruously had a long "illustrious" history of violent crime as well as being an entertainment mecca and quasi-history book [of man's inhumanity to man], we learns about the furnishings based upon American Indian motifs and patterns, and the kinds of people who partied there in the past.

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