Part 8

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Only five left...and only 1 could win. Her thoughts were distrubed by the loudspeaker.
"The cornucopia has been replenished with supplies, weapons and memories from families." it booms. Kaylee looked up, as if she would see the announcer. "A feast? But why? Enough died in the past day..." she whispered to herself. Aaron was unconscious, and Kaylee knew, at some point they had to separate. She bit her lip and glanced at Aaron. "Sorry..."

Kaylee got up, and took their supplies, leaving Aaron for good. She made her way to the cornucopia, and saw her bag. Samheed and Alex were already at the center. Kaylee glanced at them, and they spotted her. She quickly grabbed her stuff and the boys just watched her. But their glances soon shifted after hearing a rushing sound.

Alex immediately thought of the Oil that had chased Lani and him, but this was different. It felt more fluid. The three looked in front of them, to see a wall of water a distance away. No, not wall...Wave. It was a Tsunami. As the wave started getting closer, a cannon shot. Kaylee cringed, her mind immediately thinking Aaron. "It's huge..."Samheed muttered. "It's going to submerge the whole arena...We're all going to die arent we? This was a trap."

"No." Kaylee responds. "The game-makers aren't trying to kill everyone. They're just trying to reduce the players. That Tsunami is going to kill someone, and then drain out when the last two or three remain for a showdown."

"Smart Tactic.." Sam replies.

"Yeah, well. That Tsunami is getting closer!" Alex exclaims. Kaylee looked at it, and it almost seemed like it was moving faster by the minute engulfing the trees with it.  Alex glanced around, looking for some where high and saw a tall tree. It looked impossible to climb, and reached the sky. But it was worth a shot.

Immediately Alex starts sprinting towards the tree, and Kaylee and Samheed follow behind mindlessly.  The wave grew closer and closer. They had just entered the forest, when the Water engulfed all three of them. Kaylee looked up. It was a long way to air, but there was no other choice. She stopped following Alex, and started swimming up, as her lungs started to burn for oxygen.

Alex didn't even realize he was underwater, until his lungs started tightening, Kaylee was swimming up, and he couldn't find Samheed, but at this point, allies didn't matter. He just had to make it to the tip of the tree, and he'd be fine.

Kaylee could see light, she was close to the surface! And so she swam faster and just as she were to break to the surface...Something tugged on her leg dragging her down. Kaylee, distressed, looked at what was going on. Samheed was pulling her down.

Kaylee made a face, like "What the heck dude?" but Samheed tugged her deeper in the water. 'One of us has to die,' he mouthed. Kaylee bent and started to pry Samheed's hands off her, but he just wouldn't let go. Bubbles floated to the air, as Kaylee pleaded  Samheed to let her go.

Alex spotted the tree, and started swimming up to the surface, holding on to the bark of the tree to get up quicker. By now, he had completely lost sight of everyone. He broke through the surface of water, and began manually climbing up the tree. He took a glance at water. The tsunami submerged so many trees, and the mountain. This tree was extraordinarily tall, and a long way up. Alex looked back at the water and could see two figures struggling at each other. Alex tried his best to disregard them, and made his way up the tree.

Blurry. Her vision was blurry. Samheed dragged Kaylee down into the water, and at that point, she wasn't able to fight back. Kaylee grabbed Samheed's neck in an effort to choke him but was barely doing anything as she wasn't applying enough pressure. Kaylee could see herself getting farther and farther from the surface, but Samheed must've also been feeling the same.

It was risky. Kaylee quickly kicked Samheed off her, and swam to her surface, only taking a brief breath before Samheed dragged her down. He pushed Kaylee deeper into the water, and swam to the surface for a breath himself.

Kaylee rather pulled Samheed down too, both of them only having a brief breath. Now both of them were tackling each other underwater, slowly sinking. Samheed pulled out his dagger, and swiped Kaylee's stomach. Samheed went again, this time for a stab motion, but Kaylee managed to avoid Samheed, and knock the dagger from his hand. Her vision started blurring, and her head began pulsing.  Kaylee and Samheed continued tackling each other underwater as the water around them grew a faint red.

Kaylee tried choking Samheed another time, but her lungs burned and pleaded for air.  Eventually Kaylee let go of Samheed, her chest tightening in pain withdrawing any more motion. Samheed watched as Kaylee let go, and sank deeper. His own lungs were on fire, and so he started swimming up, but it seemed as if the surface wasn't getting closer. His legs stopped moving, as his lungs rejected more movement.

Alex jumped at the sound of the two cannons. Immediately the water started draining, and only then Alex realized how high he was. He turned around to climb down, but saw Sky. Her dagger once again aimed at Alex. Just like four days ago, at the cornucopia. Sky had thrown a dagger at him.  Alex let out a nervous smile. "We meet again,"

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