Chapter 1. Entrance exam.

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Izuku was a little boy who was now 6 years old. He and his sister have been mostly playing with their friend Bakugo. Bakugo had become quite arrogant and was quite offensive to others, but to the 2 of them he was really nice. Since just a few days, a new girl lived near them, she was going to the same school as them, however she never really talked there and avoided people.

Bakugo started bullying her, however quickly stopped when Izuku began butting in and made sure he wouldn't bully her. The girl glanced at him alot, sometimes even stared at him, but he had never even heard her speak once. Even if the teacher told her to explain something she just sat in silence.

People just found her strange, Sarah however noticed that she was doing it with a reason but felt like it was out of place to ask, she however did make sure no one else would bully her, just like Izuku ofcourse and eventually Bakugo joined that group.

Some people still kept bullying the girl, however once Izuku and Bakugo also stopped the bullying towards the girl they stopped, everyone knew how scary Bakugo was and they didn't want him on their trial, but they were more scared of the midoriya twins since they seemed like hell itself when angry.

The girl was thankfull to the trio for keeping the bully's away, yet never spoke to them untill a sudden encounter.

Izuku was walked through a forest on his own, Sarah was doing some homework at home which Izuku had already finished, they might be twins but Sarah rather skipped out on homework, yet since she had to finish it by tomorrow, she just had to make it.

Izuku kept going through the woods untill he suddenly heard some noises. He didn't know what it was but walked towards it. He hid himself behind a tree and looked. Once he got there he saw the girl, she was practicing her quirk. Izuku looked at her, she had long silver hair, and red eyes, and she certainly wasn't ugly.

Izuku actually thought she was really pretty, however it was a shame she never spoke to him, he would love to get to know her better, and she seemed interested in that aswell, yet something was holding her back.

Izuku kept watching as she trained her quirk, he even got a smile on his face while watching, although he felt like a creap, he was interested in how she trained her quirk, but he also didn't want to disturb her. Eventually however she wanted to take a break, she grabbed a towel she brought and wiped her face, but then she saw Izuku sitting there.

"Sorry, i heard you training and didn't want to disturb you" Izuku stated as she sighed in relief. "Are you Always training here?" He asked as she just nodded. "Always alone?" He asked as she nodded agian. She then sat down against a tree. "Is it alright if i sit with you?" Izuku asked.

She looked a bit surprised at him and hesitated for a bit but then moved a little and nodded. Izuku walked towards her and sat next to her. "This spot is really nice and quiet, i can see why you picked it for training" Izuku stated with a smile as he looked up at the leaves in the tree's.

Eri didn't say anything and just stared at him. "you feel uncomfortable don't you?" Izuku asked as she slightly and sadly nodded. "Is it because of me?" He asked as she shook her head. Izuku then saw something in her eyes sadness and alot of it.

"Something is bothering you isn't it?" Izuku asked as she looked surprised, jumped up and stepped away from him. "I'm sorry, it wasn't my place or intention to start talking about something that's a sensetive topic to you" Izuku stated with guilt. "I'll leave now, sorry for bothering you and i'm sorry if i upset you somehow" Izuku stated as he got up and wanted to walk off.

Suddenly he was grabbed by the arm. Izuku turned around and saw the girl looking towards the ground with a sad look. "Please don't go" He heard her say. He was surprised that she spoke for the first time, however he felt really sad as he heard her voice crack with only those 3 words.

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