Chapter 5. USJ and living on

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Izuku, Eri and Bakugo Were sitting In Izuku's room in the dark. Izuku sat on his bed with Eri's legs over his as she clinged to his arm while placing her head against his. Bakugo however had walked in the room, locked the door and placed his back against the door as she then slowly glided to the ground.

there was a silence. Eri was sobbing. Bakugo had his face in the pits of his ellbows as he placed them on his knee's which he had pulled up. Izuku just sat limply staring to the ground. "eri" Bakugo started as he broke the silence.

She didn't say anything as she looked at him. "that guy Overhaul he knew you didn't he? and you knew him too" Bakugo stated. "Yes" Eri said silently as she tightened her grip around Izuku's arm, but he was too much in a daze to notice. "Who or what was he to you?" Bakugo asked. "He's the man i ran away from.. my adoptive father, i meant it when i said my adoptive father was a dangerous man, i didn't become an orphan because i wanted to but it was better then staying with him" Eri stated sobbing.

"So your adoptive old man killed Sarah... how does that make you feel" Bakugo stated almost blaming it on her. "Stop this it's not Eri's fault She's not to blame for a villain's actions if you want to blame someone blame me, she died because of my attack" Izuku suddenly spoke from his daze.

"GAAAH i know it't not her fault, but it definetly isn't your fault either. It's just i don't know what to think, or say or do i just don't know" Bakugo stated almost freaking out. "Truth be told i never thought it was possible for Sarah to get beaten, let alone be killed" Bakugo stated.

"She was a very strong girl, but she was a sister to all of us" Eri stated. "DAMNIT I HATE THAT OVERHAUL GUY THE NEXT TIME I SEE HIM I'LL KILL HIM!" Bakguo shouted as he then jumped up and left.

Eri felt guilty, when she met Izuku, she warned him about that man... Overhaul, and now Overhaul took his sister from him. "Izuku i'm so so sorry" Eri stated as she began crying. "I really am" She stated as she pulled her arms around his head and pulled him closer. "Please forgive me... it's all my fault because you know me... you lost your sister" She stated crying even more.

"No... he wasn't after you, he was directly after us he didn't even mention you" Izuku stated from in his daze. This shocked Eri. "You mean he attacked you 2 directly?" Eri asked as Izuku nodded. "He was working under orders from someone named Shigaraki and a boss" Izuku said emotionless.

Eri didn't know what to think or say anymore. She felt so afraid, alone, cold, she felt despair rising up in her own body. Izuku noticed her tensing up and curling herself in a ball next to him. Izuku looked at her and pulled his arm around her. Once he placed his hand around her, he felt her trembling heavily. Izuku pulled her close and slightly activated his quirk to warm her up.

Suddenly she started crying alot and as a reaction she pushed him on his back as she fell ontop of him. She started crying more and more while holding his shirt as if her life depended on it. She had placed her eyes in his chest. Izuku placed his arms around her and started crying aswell.

Eventually they both fell asleep laying like that, they woke up the next morning when someone knocked on the door. It was momo. "Hey Izuku? Is Eri there with you?" Momo asked but there came no response. "We still wanted to go to the pool, just to relax our bodies, we know it might not be the right time right now, but we still wanted to ask if you 2 wanted to come aswell, it might be a nice distraction" Momo stated. Eri then stood up and walked to the door.

Izuku still laid on his bed limply staring at the ceilling. Eri opened the door. "We'll meet you in a bit in the commen area" Eri said to Momo who looked concerned. She noticed how dark it was in the room, she also noticed Izuku laying there without saying a thing or moving. She also saw Eri's swollen eyes from all the crying she did.

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