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30 votes on ALL CHAPTERS for next update y'all better quit playing wit me and vote or imma delete atw mfs😒

30 votes on ALL CHAPTERS for next update y'all better quit playing wit me and vote or imma delete atw mfs😒

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i sighed waiting for angel to walk through the cafeteria doors

"koko! wassup" maine shouted across the cafeteria making me cover my face whining

my head was lifted making me open my eyes mugging jermaine

"hell wrong wit you?" he asked me eating the french toast sticks

"ughh i have girl issues" i huffed

he looked at me in so much disgust making me laugh

"not like that i just need angel to hurry up" i looked away from him looking towards the door seeing angel and nehemiah smiling and talking


"okay you ready?" i got up quickly looked at angel

"ouu yes! come on hey maine bye miah" angel blushed hugging him

"okay because when that happen and hi best" i waved grabbing angel's hand

"it hasn't happened yet" she told me once we were out

"y'all would be sooo cute" i cooed playfully pushing her

"oh my god stawp" angel covered her face blushing

i laughed walking towards the library

"okay so what's up?" angel sat down at a table looking at me

"i like jermaine" i told her

"you lyin" she made a face smiling

"you right i am" i laughed at the face she made

"bitch that's not funny" she mugged me

"girla yes it is but anyways i need to talk to you away from yo boo and jermaine dumbass because raheem texted me last night" i told her unlocking my phone

"what he say and most importantly did you answer?"

she is finna be mad at me 😗

"uhh basically he wanted to link and so i said come through so we chilled"

"y'all didn't fuck right?"

"nah he just did a lil eating" i smirked

"kimonie, kimonie, kimonie marie" angel shook her head looking at me

"angel yareni" i smiled at her

me and Raheem had messed around tenth grade summer before him and ri started dating the first time i was hurt i'll admit it but quickly shrugged it off. Raheem was my first he was the one who took my virginity so of course i would feel some type of way i still do, but wouldn't anyone? we had soul ties it was special to me but i guess it didn't mean anything to him.

"oh lord he texted me" i repeatedly slapped angel's shoulder shoving my phone in her hands

"ow bitch that shi- wait a minute wait a fucking minute" she looked confused then started typing


"this not him texting this ri tryna catch y'all" she mumbled

"huh?" i titled my phone so i could read the message

Raheem🙃 yesterday was cool.

"he don't ever use punctuation" i made a face

"bitch that's not the point that mean she know y'all linked up yesterday" she touched my forehead

it took a second for it to process in my mind but once it did i put my head down on the table


"you know what that mean huh?"

"she either gone wanna fight or throw disses" i sighed

did i regret my decision? no, they always claimed to be done with each other or single so i took the chance chilled with him on some friend type stuff i had no intention on it going that far to me getting head but it did. Ri didn't like me and that was okay but originally i never gave her a reason to not like me.

"damn ko whatcha gonna do?"

"distance myself again it's the only thing i can do" i shrugged grabbing my stuff walking towards the door

nehemiah looked at me like he already knew what happened shaking his head at me. nehemiah's opinion meant a lot to me although i was older than him he was a lot more smarted than me when it came to this relationship shit and just life shit in general. i could tell he was disappointed in me and raheem, more of me because he knew i was smarter than what i was doing and i was acting like a home wrecker something i told myself i would never be; especially because i witnessed my mom do it to my dad and stepmom out of spite.

i sighed rubbing my neck i looked down playing with my necklace trying to avoid raheem staring a hole in the side of my face

i fucked up


another filler chapter, imma keep it a buck i hate setting vote goals bit it's like shit i work hard and im tryna understand why this isn't getting the views it deserves

vote comment allat & excuse mistakes


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