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trigger warning: suicide and overdose talked about in this chapter

trigger warning: suicide and overdose talked about in this chapter

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"real shit if you'on wanna do this say it now" roscoe said to me reloading the clip to a .44 millimeter magnum gun

"nigga i know" i mugged him looking up from the blunt i was rolling

what happened that night was a pussy move and i got my ass handed to me for bailing out last minute. we getting paid to rob this person's house you didn't ask questions you just did it.

"if everything goes right we get 2500 hundred each" he said looking at me

i nodded thinking about what i could do with the money put half in my moms books and save the other half. i needed the money badly with my grandparents getting older and me begin an only child i needed to help them out as much as i could it was only right.


i walked into the school looking for Ri. i was stuck between telling her the truth or keeping it to myself, fuck it i'll keep it to myself.

"yeah it's a game tonight you gone come and cheer me on?" miah asked angel

when they happen?

"wassup" i nodded at them

"angel you know where koko is?"

she shook her head making a face at me. of course her being kimonie's like best friend she would feel so type of way but what does that have to do with me kimonie knew what she was doing when she texted me back.

i walked away from them passing the new gym taking a peak inside seeing the pom team practicing i looked around for koko amongst the girls seeing her bright red hair. kimonie was a sweet, selfless girl she was the one who helped me with my depression.

3 years ago | 2013 6:00pm

"raheem?" kimonie called out walking towards his room

"heem?" she called out again getting anxious

once she opened the door her heart dropped to her feet. there lied a non-breathing fourteen year old Raheem. Kimonie didn't know what to do she was frantically shaking trying to dial 911 while trying to check his pulse

"911 what's your emergency?" the phone operator asked her

"m-my friend is breathing and i-i can't feel his pulse"

"ok what's your name his name and your current address?"

"K-Kimonie Jackson, Raheem E-Epps and 2056 N.E. 36th street" kimonie said tapping his face repeatedly

"wake up heem wake up"

"okay kimonie can you tell me if there's anything by your friend?"

she turned around scanning his floor seeing a pill bottle with no pills in it Oxycodone the label read

"there's a pill bottle here it says oxycodone on it" she said checking his pulse again

"okay keep still the paramedics will be there shortly"


waiting for any news on Raheem tapped her feet against the hospital tile she was trying to process what happened but she just couldn't understand was Raheem trying to take his life? was it a mistake? these were questions swarming her mind it made her feel sick to her stomach.

"family of Raheem Epps" a hispanic doctor walked up to kimonie and raheem's grandparents

"so Raheem overdosed on Oxycodone i have reason to believe he was trying to take his on life, if it wasn't fir you young lady he would have been gone" the doctor told them

raheem take his on life? it shocked all of them raheem didn't seem like the type to try and commit suicide or even be suicidal

"can we see him?" Janet asked the doctor in a shaky tone

"of course right this way"

they made their way up to the third floor room 209, when kimonie saw raheem tears flooded her vision staying close to the door she stared at him silently sniffing. the doctor explained how she wanted to keep him overnight and wanted to have him admitted into a mental hospital to seek more help.

"koko" his raspy voice whispered


"come here"

koko walked over to the bed making heem scoot over some so she could get in

he needed a hug,he needed someone to be with him

"you scared me" koko sniffed holding dearly onto her friend

"im sorry" he mumbled holding her tightly

"don't do this ever again, if you needed to talk to someone please call me okay? i can't lose you" koko snapped

she had lost her older sister to suicide she knew what it felt line to lost someone she loved and she didn't want raheem to take his own life like her sister did

"i will"

"im serious raheem you scared me foreal think about your grandparents or your mom they need you miah and maine and me we need you. you're life holds value don't take it away before you've really got to live it" kimonie told him


he thanked kimonie for saving him that day he had love for azaria but was in love with kimonie or so it felt like


please if you or someone you know is battling depression please call 1-800-273-8255 your life is important please stay strong and keep fighting

vote comment allat & excuse mistakes




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