Chapter 4

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Pyramis scratched at the door, meowing loudly. His girl grumbled, running a hand down his spine. She then let him into the hallway, where he ran into her parent's room and jumped on the bed, licking both of their faces. The male brushed him off, making an annoyed grumbling noise. Pyramis then took one last look around the house, stuffing his face with all the food in his bowl and then taking a huge sip of water. He licked his jowls and wandered up to the flap in the door, pushing straight through. 

It was freezing outside, a cold spring morning with dew on the grass and chirping birds in the sky. Pyramis took a deep breath, gazed back up to the house, and swallowed. 

"Goodbye, guys. I might visit one day," He sighed. Pyramis then dashed down the back garden, taking a flying leap at the wooden fence and edging his way along. He reached the neighbour's garden, where he heard the pounding of feet on the grass. He turned to see their huge dog sprinting towards him, barking and slobbering loudly. It pounced at the fence, shaking it with his huge front paws and trying to knock Pyramis down. Pyramis raised his hackles and hissed loudly, puffing out his fur to make himself bigger. 

"I am not going to miss you," Pyramis hissed, dashing quicker along the fence line over to Dustin's house, where he hopped down onto the grass and hurried over to the back door. He scratched at it and meowed loudly over and over until the door opened slowly and Dustin crawled out, a surprised look on his face. 

"Oh, hey Pyrrie, what are you doing up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep," Pyramis mumbled, leading Dustin over the fence and to the grass beyond. "I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?"

"I'm going to do it," Pyramis meowed. He grinned happily at Dustin, but when their eyes met Dustin's green orbs were filled with horror and fear. 

"Wait, what?" Dustin squeaked. 

"I'm going to join ScaleClan!"

Dustin fell silent for a moment, he stopped walking and flattened his ears, his tail flicking from side to side in a sharp motion. He narrowed his eyes, and from here Pyramis could see tears welling up in them. Pyramis quietened down and moved closer to his friend, licking his forehead comfortingly. Dustin looked up at him with the biggest, teary puppy dog eyes and sniffled. 

"So, you're leaving?" Dustin mewled softly, the quietest Pyramis had ever heard him speak. 

"Yes, I am," Pyramis told him calmly, a sort of melancholy finding its way into his soul when he realized just how Dustin would feel about this. He hadn't even thought about his best friend's emotions when he was having his internal quarrel about where he really belonged. He hadn't anticipated how Dustin would react, would he want to go with him? Would he try to convince Pyramis to stay? Would he just accept it and let him go? Pyramis felt selfish for not considering the options.

"You're leaving me? Your family? To be a wild cat?" Dustin asked, finally finding his voice again. 

"Well, yeah. I wanted to know if you would see me off."

"So, you're just going to leave. Did you say goodbye to Smoky? Sure, the old cat is a prune but he's still our friend. He's still my housemate. What about your girl and her parents? Did you visit your mum and talk to her? What about-"

"Dusty. I made my mind up. Will you see me off?" Pyramis told him, a little more stubbornly this time. Dustin breathed slowly and nodded, the two continued along. They kept walking in silence, the ginger cat began to fall behind a bit. Pyramis wanted to slow down to comfort his friend, but he knew the patrol wouldn't be waiting for long and there was no way he could miss it. This was the only chance he would ever get, and he couldn't be a heartbeat late. 

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