Chapter 4

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   Metal look at Eggman that was fixing Shard, the Metal Sonic. He's standing beside him. At the mean time, Metal was planing to go to his new sweet spot after It's done.

Eggman : Metal! Get me the screw driver that I used to throw you with

Metal : Yes...

Eggman : Just... A screw... And done, It's done! The new Shard is here!

Metal : ... (¬_¬)

Eggman : Metal! Teach him about anything, you need to train or teach  these kid before he kills Sonic!

Metal : Request accepted

   Metal can finally go out, but with Shard. Shard didn't talk along the way. Metal didn't care actually. But, Shard suddently start to talk.

Shard : Me-Metal Sonic right?

Metal : Yes...

Shard : What are we gonna do here?

Metal : Something...

Shard : Like what?

Metal : Just follow me

Shard : (^v^)

   Metal look at Shard. He's just like a boy that is cheeky. Metal didn't like that but heh, what can posibly go wrong with that?

   They then arrived at the place. It's the tree house where Metal made it. Shard looks amaze with that. Metal grab Shard's hand and took him to the tree house. He climb the wiggly stairs to get to the house. Metal jump to the matt. Shard just sit next to him.

Shard : What is these place?

Metal : It's my and Infinit's sweet spot

Shard : What's a sweet spot?

Metal : A place where you like to spend and comfortable place to do your stuff

Shard : Who is Infinite?

Metal : You'll meet him soon

Shard : So... What are we supposed to do ?

Metal : Here, I had a bunch of thick book. Read it if you can

Shard : Really?

Metal : What, I'm trying to take a nap

Shard : It's not fun at all!

Metal : Wha-

Shard : I want to have fun!

Metal : Well, reading is fun! That's what Tails said

Shard : Why didn't you read a book

Metal : Cause I don't have to

Shard : Why?

Metal : *sigh* Doctor will throw me afterall... (sad eye)

Shard : ... (sad eye)

Metal : J-Just read the book already, when you finnish with that, wake me up, k'ay?

Shard : Okay so...

   Metal Is a bit realive when Shard say that. He can finnaly rest in peace while Shard is reading the book. Metal lay dow to the puffy mat. He fell asleep then.

   Shard open the book. When he looks at it, he already felt board. Shard skip some pages that he didn't wanted to read.

Shard : I'm a robot, I'm supposed to be smart already

   Shard saw a tire that hang up to the tree branch. He climb down and look at the tire. He jump at the hole. But, he stuck in that hole because he did a  wrong jump.

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