Chapter 7

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After a story telling...


Infinite : Belive it or not, yes they stole it

Metal : TWICE!!!

Amy : Ok, I'm going to talk to them

Infinite : ...

Metal : ...

   Infinite and Metal had a silent shock. They throught Amy hates them and join Sonic's. Metal felt sorry for Amy because, he always tried to capture Amy in the past.

   Infinite and Metal look from the distant. Amy walk to the tree house and shouted.


Sonic : Oh Amy, hi! What's up? (look down)

Amy : You better return this tree house to the owner!

Tails : Woah, hi Ames! (pop out)

Amy : I never saw you guys had a tree house before...

Knuckles : Yeah, because we found it! (pop out)

Sonic : Come on and play with us Amy!

Amy : This is not your tree house Sonic!

Sonic : But, it was abbonded! So we took care of it

Amy : Even thought, It's not even abonded!

Sonic : Fine you win Ames, so who should I return this to?

Amy : To Infinite and Metal Sonic

Tails : Woah! You belive them? They must tricked you!

Knuckles : Don't get tricked by them Amy, they're... Evil...

Amy : Still, You guys are not the one that made this so return it to them

Sonic : You must been brained wash by them

Amy : No I Don't! Now hurry up!

Sonic : Fine...

    Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles climb down trough the wiggly stair. They left the tree house spot. When they left, Infinite and Metal walk to Amy.

   They were surprised that Amy could  make them away. Metal looks happy with that.  Infinite just smile to Metal.

Amy : Wow, they really hate you guys

Infinite : Huft, yeah right

Amy : By the way, why aren't you in Eggman's base? (pointing Metal)

Metal : Huh? Oh, I quit his empire...

Amy : Woah really?!

Metal : Y-Yes...

Amy : That's great then, you could be part of the Resistance!

Metal : Wha- I?

Amy : Yep! You could help us then!

Infinite : Amy, you shouldn't say that

Amy : Huh? Why?

Infinite : ...

Amy : Okay... I get it... But

Metal & Infinite : ? 

Amy : Can I be your friend?

Infinite : In a name of jackal, what did you say again?

Amy : Friends!

Metal : I... I... I need to think first

Amy : Well, bye then I'll see you guys soon again♡

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