Chapter Three

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"I vote Fresia." Carine said off handedly. "She's the second smallest."

"Shouldn't we have the smallest?" Oliver pointed out.

"Aubrey is too delicate." Carine said putting a protective arm around Aubrey's shoulder. "I'll hex anyone who comes near her." Aubrey narrowed her eyes and shrugged off Carine's arm.

"I can defend myself." She muttered quietly.

"You only want me as the flag to get back at me for dragging you here in the first place!" Fresia accused Carine.

"Shut up!" Damian snapped. "Fresia is it?" Fresia nodded. "You're the flag, and if one more person argues about it I will hex their legs off! Can we move on?"

"I hate all of you." Fresia grumbled.

"Feeling's mutual." Damian said as he walked over to the heads of the other houses.

"Why aren't there any seniors playing?" Oliver looked at Fresia like she'd grown an extra head.

"The school threatened to not let them graduate if they played, don't you know anything?" He walked over to where Damian was.

"Well. And a royal fuck you to you too." Dara snapped

"I'm wounded. Truly." He called over his shoulder. "Alright Bitches, you know the drill, flag gets a 10 second head-start. 3,2,1, go." Fresia stayed where she was as two people scattered. Nobody in Aepa so much as looked at her. They didn't know the strategy so they did absolutely nothing to hinder it.

"What kind of game are you playing Rogers?" Adrian assumed the guy heading towards them was the leader of the Terre, given the light brown strip of fabric tied to a belt loop.

"I don't know what you mean, Darren." Oliver responded cooly.

"Your flag didn't run. How are we supposed to know which one of you it is?" Then Fresia's plan dawned on everyone.

"You're not!" Someone said, surprised, and impressed.

"That's a cheap shot!"

"You're playing with Aepa now, get used to it." One of the Ignis people said, glaring at Aepa.

"Hey, all the greatest military commanders got there by bending rules." Someone from Aepa retorted. "The rules never specified that someone had to run, simply that they could."

"10 seconds are up! Scatter!" Someone finally said and everyone ran.

"Aubrey! Follow me!" Fresia grabbed Aubrey's hand and pulled her in the opposite direction of the rest of Aepa.

"Vitiscalos!" She said pointing towards the forest and from a tree a vine ladder grew. "Up! Up! She pushed Aubrey onto the ladder. She jumped on and pointed her wand at the vines.

"Retractare!" They slithered back up the tree, carrying the two girls with them. When they were safely away from the flying curses she turned to Aubrey.

"Can any of your spells lay dormant and be activated like a trap?"

"Like a yu-gi-oh trap card?"


"I guess..."

"Good. Okay go for it."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I dunno, anything that will prevent them from getting to us." She deftly flicked her wand a couple of times.

"If they come near us they should get glued in place."

"Good, now follow me."

"Where are we going?"

"Away from here. As long as I don't get caught, we can't lose, so we just have to keep running."

"Why did you take me with you? I don't need to be protected!" She snapped, pulling her arm away from Fresia.

"What? No! They can counter my magic, your magic on the other hand will confuse them."

"Oh, okay."

"Ponsare." A bridge formed between the two trees and they ran across.

"Reducto." Aubrey said, pointing her wand at the bridge when they were both sitting in the other tree.

"Fresia!" Dara called, sounding pissed.

"Aubrey?" Carine on the other hand sounded concerned.

"Up here!" Aubrey called. "Vitiscalos." Said pointing to the branch they were sitting on. When they were both on the vines, Aubrey pointed at the ladder again. "Retractare." They climbed onto the branch with them.

"Why did you guys run this way?" Carine said, livid at Fresia.

"Shut up Carine! Its not her fault!" Aubrey shouted.

"Guys we need to move, four people shouting is going to draw a lot of attention." Dara pointed out.

"We weren't drawing attention until you morons decided to come!" Fresia roared.

"They're over here!" They heard a group of people charging through the woods.

"You lead them straight to us!" Fresia hissed.

"We didn't know they were following us!"

"Well then your blind, deaf, or both because they aren't exactly stealthy!" They listened to a group of people trampling through the forest.

"Guys are you sure there's no like monsters or anything in these woods? Cause at Hogwarts-"

"Dara I love you but we aren't at Hogwarts! There are no monsters in this forest." Fresia whispered.

"Then what's that?" She pointed fearfully down at the ground where something was stiffly walking towards the oncoming group of people.

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