Chapter Two

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As the last of the chocolate cake and the raspberry custard disappeared down everyone's throats, the headmistress stood up to speak.

"Welcome back to my returning students, and welcome to our freshmen. I would like to introduce our new potions teacher and deputy head master, Drake Richards." A shady guy stood up at the mention of his name. Fresia started to hit Dara.

"That's him! That's the guy who was following teddy!" She hissed in Dara's ear.

"I don't think so Fresia, why would a potions teacher care about a Quiditch player?" Dara whispered back.

"The resemblance is uncanny." Aubrey said uncertainly. The four of them watched Mr. Richards take a bow and then be seated again.

"And for Aepa and Ignis, I'd advise against learning by doing in the regard to what happens to opposite genders who try to mingle in the dorm rooms." She gave a pointed glare to the two tables. "It won't be pleasant." She assured. Fresia rolled her eyes as she noticed Dara already making gaga eyes at some upperclassman.

"What happened to not dating?" She asked as she nudged Dara in the ribs.

"Please, that's an archaic rule." Dara slid down the bench towards him and started to flirt.

"I wish I had her confidence." Aubrey sad wistfully.

"Well when she starts handing it out I'll join you in line." Fresia replied.

"Hey freshies." Two upperclassmen strode towards them. To Fresia's disgust with herself, she shied away, her only redeeming moment was that she stepped in front of poor Aubrey who looked close to a stroke.

"Aw look John, they're scared of us!" the first one said to the second who was presumably John.

"Adorable." The second one, Damian, deadpanned. "Can we get on with this?"

"Right, freshies, every year we hold a sort of initiation for the freshmen. Its a competition that will not only either throw you into eternal respect or disgrace, but it will also determine which house will start out on top for the unofficial house games."

"How dramatic." Fresia said, proud that she's found her own dead pan voice.

It's on Damian she thought to herself. Dead pan challenge excepted

"Whoever wins at the end of the year wins this magnificent bust of our very hideous founder, Robért Salem." He said the name with a phoney French accent, as he showed them a picture of the bust on his I-phone. "The Ravens have won for the past two years, the Foxes or Ignis house the year before that. The Wolves have never won, mostly because due to the fact that their dorms are separate they have difficulties strategizing. If we intend to keep our rightful place, we need strong fighters. You in?" Fresia crossed her arms, and even though Aubrey was furiously shaking her head, and against her better judgment, Fresia crossed her arms and smirked.

"What's the game called?" Damian returned her smirk.



"Are you out of your mind?" Carine practically screamed.

"Well what was I supposed to say? Sorry not interested, even though you're going to make our lives hell if we don't?" Fresia yelled back.

"That's an over reaction and you know it."

"So what? It's just a fricken game!" Carine launched herself at Fresia, but instead of tackling her to the ground, she was dangling mid air. At the same time Fresia felt an uncomfortable tug at the small of her back and was lurched into the air as well.

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