5. Promises

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It was six o'clock when Jo walked through the door of the apartment.  She had just gotten off.  She loved the fact that she didn't have to walk like she had to in America.  She and Lucy had lived in a Muggle suburb and often had to hide their magic.  Living in London in the Wizarding World was completely different.  She could apparate to work.  She hung her bag on the coat rack when she came in the door.  The apartment seemed unusually quiet.  Lucy usually had some form of music on when she came home or she was watching television at least, but there was nothing today.  It was like she had walked into the wrong apartment.  She scanned the area with her eyes.  Something wasn't right.  She had a funny feeling.  It was justified when her eyes fell on Lucy.  Her eyes widened in fright and she rushed to her side.

"Lucy!" Jo yelled.  "Lucy!  Wake up!"  She shook her gently, but it didn't work.

Jo got up off the floor in a hurry.  She had to do something.  Her first instinct was to call for Chad or go get him.  He was a Healer after all.  That was one of the things she loved about him.  She didn't know if she had time to do that though.  She got back down on her knees and shook her again.  Thankfully, she began to stir.

"Lucy, it's Jo.  Are you okay?"

Lucy's eyes slowly fluttered open.  Her head was pounding so hard she could barely make out the person in front of her.  Then she recognized the short blonde hair.


She nodded.  "Yes.  What happened to you?  Are you okay?"  She put her hand under Lucy's head and raised her up.

"I'm fine," Lucy lied.  The truth was that she felt like her skull was being bashed in.

"What happened?"

Lucy sat up and leaned her back against the couch.  Her friend's face came clearly into view.  "I-I don't know.  I just got dizzy."

"Have you eaten anything?"

"No.  I passed out not long after you left."

Jo got to her feet and helped Lucy up too.  She practically had to pick her up off the floor.  She helped her sit on the couch.

"I'll make you something, Lucy.  What do you want?"

"Anything," she answered weakly.

She heard banging in the kitchen, but she didn't bother to turn around to see what Jo was doing.  A few minutes later there was a sandwich accompanied by french fries and pickles sitting in front of her.  Jo sat down in the chair by the bookcase, which was on the right side of the couch, staring at her friend expectantly.  Lucy began to eat and she diverted her attention elsewhere.

"So," Jo said after several long minutes of silence, "you don't know what happened, Lucy?"

Lucy looked up at her with a jaw full of food.  She shook her head.  It was a lie and she hated lying to her, but she had to.  At least for now.  When she swallowed her food, she answered properly, "I got up to go into the kitchen to make me some coffee and I got dizzy.  I just passed out.  But I'm okay now.  I have a headache, but I am otherwise fine."

Her friend sighed in relief.  "That's good.  You have no idea how scared I was to come in and find you lying in the floor like that.  I'm going to have Chad come and check you out."

Lucy frowned.  "Why would you do that?"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Chad is a Healer.  He works at St. Mungos."

She smiled.  "Oh yeah.  I remember now.  That's great, Jo, but it's not necessary to drag Chad over here.  I'm fine now."

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