17. Halloween

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It wasn't until late the next night that Lucy received a reply from Severus.  She was sitting on the couch in her pajamas reading a book when Speedy pecked on the window.  She shoved the bookmark in between the pages to save her place and hopped to her feet.  She rushed over to the window and opened it so Speedy could come inside.  The small owl dropped her letter on the coffee table like she usually did and then flew right back out the window like a bullet.  Jo walked into the room just as Lucy was closing it.

"What was that noise I heard?"

Lucy whirled around.  "It was Speedy.  Severus just sent me another letter."

Jo shook her head in disbelief.  "I can't believe you two are still writing back and forth.  That's insane."

"We've become really good friends."

"I can tell.  I still can't believe he came to the hospital to help Chad for you.  That was very sweet of him."

"I told him so in my last letter.  How is Chad?"

Jo smiled.  "He's going back to his own apartment tomorrow.  He says that I have cottled him enough."

Lucy giggled.  "It's going to be kind of weird around here without him."

"I know, right?"  She clasped her hands together nervously.  "He wants me to come and stay with him at his place for a while."

She raised an eyebrow at her friend.  "And what did you tell him?"

"I told him I would think it over," Jo revealed.  "I don't want to leave you in this big apartment all by yourself.  What if you black out again?"

Lucy rolled her eyes.  "Don't worry about me, Jo.  You should go stay with him for a while.  The two of you seem like you're getting pretty serious.  Far be it from me to stand in the way.  Besides, I'll be fine.  I could come and visit you at the store sometimes just like I do now."

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind?"

"No.  Absolutely not."

Jo smiled.  "You're a great friend to me, Lucy."

"Ditto."  She laughed and Jo joined in.  "What are you waiting for?"

"What do you mean?"

Lucy grinned.  "Go get a bag packed.  Scoot!"

Jo hopped up from the couch and did exactly that.  Lucy watched her best friend disappear down the hall.  When she was sure she was gone, she let out a long sigh.  At least maybe Jo wouldn't be there to watch her die.  Thankfully she hadn't felt too bad in a few days, but Lucy was starting to get that familiar "weak" feeling back in her body.  She knew it wouldn't be too long before she started experiencing black outs again.  But there was no way she was going to tell Jo that.  She didn't want to be responsible for keeping those two lovebirds apart.

Lucy picked up her letter and headed to her room.  Jo would be heading to bed on the couch soon since Chad was in her bed and she didn't want to keep her up any later than necessary.  She was stickler for going to bed by ten every night.  It was almost ten now.

Once she closed her bedroom door, Lucy plopped down on the bed and laid back against her pillows.  She ripped open the letter and began to read.  She was eager to see what Severus had to say about Brandon.

October 31, 1991

Dear Lucy,

My heart broke for you when I read about Brandon.  He was lucky to have your affection and your heart.  It's terrible he didn't realize it.  Unrequited love is like a tatoo on your heart.  It's permanent.  It's not going anywhere no matter how hard you try to erase it.  But there's no need to fret, Lucy.  You should have someone who cares for you unconditionally, not a jerk who doesn't deserve you.  I'm sorry.  That was terrible of me.  I know I've never met the guy and I shouldn't judge him, but he hurt you and that doesn't sit well with me.

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