22. Declaration

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Madame Pomfrey came out of her quarters, dropping everything she was working on when she heard the sniffles coming from outside her door.  She came out to find Lucy drenched in tears and Severus was nowhere to be found.  She hurried over to her and slipped her arm around the young woman's shoulders.  

"My dear, what is wrong?"

Lucy looked up into her kind eyes and managed a slight smile.  "I just-  Oh, I'm in an awful mess."

"Did Severus say something to upset you?"

She shook her head and the expression on her face spoke volumes.  "He would never hurt me like this.  No, I did this to myself."  She wiped her tears away.  "I've been keeping something from him and from my friends.  I wanted to tell him before anything happened, but I'm too late.  I've already fallen for him and I believe he has for me as well."

Poppy smiled.  "I think you might be right.  But that's all the more reason that you should tell him.  I mean I don't want to tell you what to do, Ms. Dawson, but I'm sure whatever it is he could handle."

Lucy frowned.  "I'm not so sure.  I can hardly handle it myself."  This woman was being so kind to her.  "You see, I'm sick."

Her eyes widened.  "Sick?" she repeated.

"As in-"  Lucy buried her face in her hands.  The black out had really scared her this time.  "As in terminally."

Poppy gasped.

"Please don't tell him."

"I couldn't," she admitted.  "But I think that you should.  Especially if you think he loves you.  If you didn't...it wouldn't be fair to him."

Lucy swallowed hard.  She was right.  It wouldn't be.  Severus had revealed himself to her in a way he probably wouldn't have to anyone else.  He trusted her.  It was only fair that she give him the same respect and trust.  He deserved to know and so did Jo.  She just didn't know how to tell either of them.  Should she just come right out and say it or let them in on it gently?

"Thank you for your opinion, Madame Pomfrey."

"Please call me Poppy."

"Poppy, I know I don't know you that well, but you must be a great person.  I never knew Severus worked with such wonderful people."

"There are a lot of us," she said with a chuckle.  "You'll find that out the longer you stay here."

"After I tell Severus what I have to tell him, I'll have to leave right away," she told her.  "But I know I would be welcome to come back if I ever chose to."

Poppy smiled.  "Most definitely."  She checked her vitals again to make sure Lucy really was okay again.  Plus, it gave her time to think about the conversation she had just had.  She wondered what would make her have to leave so soon?  She was just finishing up when Severus walked back in.

Severus paused for a moment when he saw Poppy over at Lucy's bedside, the tray of food in his hand teetering.  The alarms inside of his head went off.  He had only been gone for a few minutes.  What in the world could have gone wrong in such a short amount of time?

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

Lucy smiled at him.  "Just fine.  We were just discussing some things."

He walked over and set the tray down in her lap, studying her face carefully.  Her eyes were red.  It looked like she had been crying, but he couldn't tell.  He glanced over at Poppy and she too looked as if she had tears in her eyes.  She turned and walked away quickly before he could question her.  Severus then trained his eyes on Lucy.

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