13. Confessions

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Severus lead her down the stairs and to the Great Hall.  Lucy looked around as she tightly gripped his hand, taking in the wonderous sight around her.  She had never been inside Hogwarts before and it was enough to take her breath away.  The portraits on the wall were gorgeous and so full of life.  The staircases moved!  She was fascinated by everything around her.  Severus smiled at her enthusiasm.  Once they walked inside the Great Hall, all eyes were on the two of them.  Neither of them noticed.  Severus was watching Lucy and she was mesmerized by the ceiling and the students that were sitting around her.

"Severus, you are so lucky," Lucy told him as they stepped up to the staff table.  

"Why is that?" he asked her curiously.

She smiled.  "I would love to work in a beautiful place like this.  Moonlight Academy was nothing like this.  It was in an old university building.  This castle is gorgeous."

Severus pulled out a chair for her.  A few of the staff members eyed him oddly.  They had never seen him so attentive to anyone before.  Especially a lady.  Lucy sat down and he took the seat beside of her.

"What do you usually have for breakfast here?" Lucy whispered.

He leaned down close to her, so close that she could feel his hot breath on her face.  "Anything you want."

"Oh.  But how?"

"Just let me know and I'll get it for you.  Or you can have bacon, eggs, fruit, and things like that."

"That would be fine."  She clasped her hands together in her lap.

Severus smiled at her.  He loved teasing her.  Her cheeks got so red when she was nervous, giving her face an all over glow.  It was beautiful.  "Breakfast starts when Dumbledore gets in his seat and gives the signal or command.  Considering there aren't many children up right now, he will probably just give a signal today.  Most children sleep in on the weekends and study."

Lucy nodded in understanding.  "Is Harry in here?"

He frowned as he scanned the area.  Potter was nowhere in sight.  "No.  He's getting himself into some trouble he can't get out of.  I'm sure of it."

She giggled.  "And why is that?"

"Because he is constantly in detention.  His curiosity gets the best of him."  He felt a hand on his shoulder.  He looked up.  Dumbledore was standing there in between him and Lucy.  She followed Severus's gaze.  "Good morning, Albus."

"Good morning," he said with a smile.  "I was wondering how long Ms. Dawson will be staying?"  His light blue eyes twinkled in her direction.  "I thought she might like to see the grounds."

"Oh I would love that," Lucy told him.  "I'd like to stay as long as Severus will have me."

If I had my way, you'd stay forever, he thought.  Severus chided himself silently.  He couldn't afford to start having feelings for her.  Their relationship had to stay platonic.  Yet he couldn't explain the magnetic pull he felt when he was around her.  Was he starting to feel for her?  He feared the answer.

"As long as you want to stay, Lucy," Severus told her.  "I would be happy to show you around."  He turned to Albus.  "Unless you wanted to yourself."

"No," Dumbledore declined quickly.  "I was going to ask you to do it, Severus.  I think she would much rather enjoy your company than mine."

Lucy giggled.  "It's not that, but I do know Severus a little better."

He hurried past them and took his seat.  Suddenly their breakfast popped up in front of them as he gave the signal.  Lucy and Severus ate in silence for the most part, only speaking when someone spoke to them. Dumbledore asked Lucy several questions about herself, which she was delighted to answer.  They were finished eating a few minutes later.

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