Kiri's Family

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Bakugou's POV:
Four people entered Kirishima's apartment. One was a short girl with amber eyes, super long black hair, wore a big sweater, and looked fucking ten. Another was a guy looked almost identical to Kirishima except he doesn't have a scar. The other guy there had pink hair and a light skinned black person. (There Japanese so I can't say African American. I have nothing against the black community. Black lives matter. Actually all lives matter). The last one was a blonde who was heavily pregnant.

The young one then looked me dead in the eyes. Why is this somewhat intimidating?

"Eiji, who is that?" She asked. When she asked that I saw Kirishima's color drain from his face.

"I'm Bakugou." I answered back trying to sound polite.

"Why are you here Bakugou?" She asked me. She is staring into my soul. I feel like, no matter what if I lie, she will know. Good thing I was never gonna lie.

"I found Kirishima getting beat up by some lowlife. I kicked ass and decided to walk him home to make sure he was gonna be safe after cleaning his wounds." I answered her.

"Oh, so that means my big bro invited you to dinner?" She asked looking pleased with my answer. Kirishima looked like he was holding his breath.

"Well hey there! My name is Ryo, I'm Eijiro's twin brother," Ryo said while draping his arm around Kirishima, "the little girl you just talked to is our younger sister, Flora. Flora is actually eighteen years old." He is way to energetic.

"Lovely to meet you. Who are those two?" I asked.

"The one with the pink hair is Flora's boyfriend, Seth Asina. That beautiful, blonde, goddess is my wife, Harper." He said as he went to his wife and hugged her. He is so wierd and lame.

A few hours passed as we ate, talked, and cut up. Something kept gnawing at me till I couldn't stay quiet anymore.

"Hey, where are y'all parents?" I asked and suddenly the light atmosphere went heavy and everyone was dead silent. I must've said something wrong.

"They were killed by villains a few years ago. I was there and I couldn't stop it." Kirishima said as he got up and went to his room.

"Eiji needs to stop blaming himself for their deaths." Flora said. She looked sad.

"Yeah, he was like the sun until thet day. After that he locked himself in his room, acted wierd, then eventually started cutting. When we saw what he was doing we immediately got him the help he needed." Ryo said without his usual perkyness.(Please never cut yourself. It only makes the situation worse and scares the people who care for you. If it gets to the point you are thinking of self harm please get some help.)

"I'm going check on Kirishima." I excused myself from the table. I opened Kirishima's door and saw him curled up on his bed. I closed the door as I went inside.

"Kirishima?" I started walking closer to him. When I was sitting next to him his skin, or at least some of it, turned rocky. That must be his quirk.

"Please go away King." He said between almost silent sobs. I put my arm around him and brought him closer to me so I could hug him.

"Two things; one, call me Bakugou, two, you know I don't listen to orders." I whispered to him. Since when do I comfort someone? He better feel fucking loved and special right now.

We eventually went back and the gang left. It almost makes me want to visit my parents. Almost.

"Got to go Kirishima. I have to 'take out the trash'." I told Kirishima as I left. I can't wait till he realizes that I added my number to his phone. Honestly, what kind of password is 'KirishimaIsManly'? He is such an idiot, but a cute idiot.

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