I'm Dieing

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Kirishima's POV:
Bakugou brought me back to headquarters so I can go through orientation. I don't understand why I have to go through with it but Bakugou isn't taking no for an answer. Honestly, why can't we just go straight after that ass right now while the trail is still hot? ( XD )

I cought Bakugou looking at me a few times in the car; he probably thinks he was slick. He probably is worried about me considering how within a day I have gone through all the stages of grief, people I care about got hurt, and now my glair is sharp with determination and anger. I have never been a violent person but now I can't see anything but red. I am imagining the feeling of that "hero's" blood running down my body. I can imagine the pain and rush of my fists pounding into his body without stop, without mercy, without anything resembling emotions.

"Kirishima, calm down, your palms are bleeding." Bakugou said when we arrived at a stoplight. I looked down in bewilderment to see my nails dug into my skin deep enough for them to bleed. I couldn't even feel the pain. I just stared at my hands unable to figure out what to do or what to say. Bakugou finally sighed, pulling my attention from my bloody hands. He pulled over and got out the car. He walked around to the passenger side and opened the door.

"Give me your hands." He said after grabbing peroxide and paper towels from the glove compartment. I guess I didn't give him my hands fast enough because he grabbed them and pulled them towards him. He pored the peroxide onto my palms, causing them to sting a little before placing the paper towels in my hands. "It's not that serious, I think you overreacted. It's just a little blood." I stated blankly.

He gave me a harsh look before making a "tch" sound, signaling that he didn't want to answer. We continued driving in the tense silence. When we finally got their after hitting every red light the whole squad was waiting at the entrance, most of them were asleep... nice. We didn't take THAT long! Why was Denki sleeping on Mina's thigh? Why was she running her hand through his hair? Why does she look pinker than usual? What the heck? Is he cheating on Jiro? He is on my shit list now.

"WAKE UP MORONS!!!" I think I've gone deaf in my right ear. Everyone jumped up and gave a salute as if they are at bootcamp or the military or something. "Kirishima decided to join us officially so we have to get him settled in. Mina will be taking care of your outfit Kirishima. We will also put you through rigorous training because, let's be honest, you're kinda weak." He said looking at me. I'm not weak! I am actually fairly strong.

Mina immediately got to work taking my measurements and asking for a preferred style. Bakugou told her to hold off though because of the training he will put me through.

One week later...

"H.. e.  L  p. M  E!!" I'm dieing. I'm coughing up a lung, and some blood, on the floor of a boxing ring. Today is Bakugou's turn and he is way worse than the others because he doesn't pull his punches even for newbies who need training. I always have bruises and have to come up with a new excuse everyday. Apparently doing boxing is to force me to gain lots of control over my quirk, get stronger, and develop a fighting technique. Apparently everyone has their own style.

Unfortunately, I have been slacking at my day job and my boss was getting worried I was wrapped up in something so I was fired. At least it means I have more time to train and stuff. However, I need to get some money soon so I don't get evicted from my apartment. Villain life is hard!

"I think you earned yourself a break." Bakugou said as he offered me help up, which I graciously accepted. "You're doing better than expected. You're gaining more control over your quirk and getting better at fighting." That was the nicest thing he said to me in a week! I almost cried of joy, until, "But you still are trash." Thanks... you know exactly what to say when someone needs encouragement.

I don't know why I just noticed this but he is chiseled. Like damn! I'm a little jealous, maybe by the end of this I will be that muscular. I mean, who doesn't want pecks, abs, and biceps like that? (Complete denial of attraction.)

"See something you like?" Bakugou asked in a seductive way. I don't know why but I started turning red. Maybe it's just embarrassment. Yeah- that must be it!

"Nah Bakugou, I was just thinking about how... about how... much I hope I get as strong and manly as you! Quit joking about this kind of thing, it's almost like you're gay." I said nervously. Bakugou looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I am gay." As if it was the most obvious thing in the world! (It kinda was but you were in denial of your own sexuality so you ended up blocking it out. But whatever.)

This is really awkward now. Wait... how much of what I thought were jokes actually jokes? "Move your ass, time to get back to work. And because of how dumb you were, I'm going all out." Bakugou said before he dragged me back to the ring. "MINA, DENKI, SERO! SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" I thought he was going all out before. He is gonna actually kill me.

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