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I remember the warm feeling when the wind comes through the ocean. Damp of the wind into my rosy cheeks, how the wind caress my hair like the ocean waves, as i look at the sky wearing this white lacy dress.

Barefooted i clasp my feet through the fine white sand of the beach, it's like a cotton candy shaded in white blowing by the air, wind passes by, i see the clear sky it's like your eyes.

As the wind, blows my white lacy dress the pondering of the past suddenly run along thorough the wind.

The roaring sound of the wind whistling through my ear, sandy and gummed hair as the wind blew.

I laid down in the shore to be satisfied of my view, as my feet touching the fine white sand. Hours passed, like the breezy wind I get up and start walking It's like the ocean is calling me, my tiny feet damp to the cold and salty water of the ocean, my thoughts suddenly drip again through the past.

Wearing a yellow flowy dress laying in a white fine sand i saw at the corner of my eyes a man wearing a white button down shirt and black khaki shorts.

While slowly turning my gaze to him he's looking at the ocean i saw how his hair disheveled by the breezy wind.

The few strands of his hair is blocking the most wonderful thing in his face, i look at him then he suddenly turn his gaze to me, shocked filled my body.

When our eyes met, happy thoughts rushing through my mind as i look at his bluish eyes, i feel like crying for no reason.

I stern my gaze to the ocean inhaling all the fresh air comes to the ocean, calming my mind.

I hear a deep voice beside me i feel a tingling sensation in my body when i heard his deep voice, as he speak and lick his lips it becomes more reddish and delectable, he murmur something that make me smile.

Mi amore, i love the way you smile it's like the ocean. It's attracting me to swam deep part until i reach the bottom.

I remember the look in your face, while trying to save me.

Little by little my mind is drifting away from the past and came back to reality. I realize the tears falling from my cheeks.

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