Chapter 16: We Hope To See You Again

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"We've achieved what we set out to accomplish, sir," Arianna said. "While Project Genetic left Pewter City before we arrived, we managed to locate a few hair strands and skin particles we believe belonged to it. They are completely laced with its signature energy, which leads our remaining scientists to conclude that Project Genetic is unstable."

"It's falling apart," Giovanni said, gritting his teeth. He slammed his fist against the wall, breaking through the plaster. "It won't survive without our resources and observation. The amount of time we have to locate and capture this asset is quickly shrinking! I want it found, now!"

"Yes sir!" Arianna replied, taking a step away from Giovanni's wrathful anger. "We believe Project Genetic is currently resting somewhere between Mt. Moon and Cerulean City. We should be able to lock down a location by the end of the week. It would be sooner, but unfortunately, due to the asset's instability, its energy signature is deteriorating."

Giovanni sighed, running a hand through his hair. "How did the diversion attempt go?"

"That is actually the main reason I came to see you, sir," Arianna said, her demeanor shaken. "A group of young trainers managed to neutralize our Zubat horde."

"I-" Giovanni began, and then stopped, the full weight sinking in. "Tell me about this group."

"Three trainers, all League-ordained starting age, nothing extraordinary about their Pokémon, mostly starting route Pokémon."

"How does a trio of ten year old children defeat a horde?"

"I don't know, sir."

"Keep an eye on their progress."


"Ouch, not so rough!" Daryon cried out.

Alana, who had just applied a disinfectant to one of Daryon's scrapes, shook her head. "If you sat still, this would've been done hours ago." She wrapped his arm in bandaging before turning to her Pokémon Blissey. "Can you finish him so I can attend to the others?" Blissey nodded, prompting Alana to get up and walk over to Cameron, who was also in need of some repair.

Blissey reached out for Daryon's arm, closing its eyes. A bright pink energy manifested around the Happiness Pokémon , who channeled it into a concentrated Heal Pulse. Daryon could feel healing energy surge through every cell in his body as his aches and soreness lessened significantly. He looked down at Blissey, and smiled. "Thanks, much better," he said.

"Suuuu!" Blissey replied, happy to be appreciated, before waddling over to assist the doctor.

After sleeping for what felt like a week, the group stopped by the local Pokémon Center. Dr. Alana Joy and her assistant/partner Pokémon Blissey had done an excellent job tending to the minor injuries sustained during the intense Rocket fight from the day before. The Pokémon themselves rested in their Pokéballs, which had been placed inside a giant machine that gradually released healing energy similar to Blissey's Heal Pulse into their systems, healing them while they rested.

Skye and Max had checked in with Brock to see how he was. Brock had successfully managed to remove every single Zubat from the PC register before releasing them into the nearby Mt. Moon. Today, Daryon and Cameron planned to defeat Brock in combat and win their first Gym badge. Then, it was off to Mt. Moon.

"Ah!" Cameron yelped like an injured Growlithe pup. Okay, first thing tomorrow morning.

Daryon put his shirt and jacket back on, careful not to put too much pressure on his wounds, which still needed time to heal naturally. Dr. Joy handed him a tray holding five Pokéballs. He picked one of them up, clicking the capture mechanism and releasing Pikachu in a burst of white energy.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu climbed up Daryon's leg and back before perching itself on his shoulder. Daryon's Electric type partner in crime looked really good, as though it hadn't been involved in a life-threatening fight against a group of criminals and their army of Zubat just a few days prior.

"Kippa!" Mudkip said, Cameron having released it from its Pokéball. The Mud Fish Pokémon also seem none worse for wear after the grueling events that occurred earlier in the week. Cameron opened his backpack, and Mudkip crawled inside, tossing around for a few seconds before finding a comfortable position. Cameron chuckled before hoisting the bag back onto his back.

"What do you wanna do now?" Daryon asked.

"Tea?" Cameron answered.

"Tea it is."

As the duo walked out of the Pokémon Center, they could hear Dr. Joy wishing them well. "We hope to see you again!"

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