chapter 6

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After seeing ondreaz post i could fell my checks burn i know I was falling for Tony I knew I had felling for him. Addison came up and sat beside me 'morning leah'. She said rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands 'morning addi' I said giving her a hug.'so I guess u have seen ondreaz new post then' she said with a smirk 'yeah I'm gonna kill him' I said looking at her with a smile. ' so what do you want to do today then' Addison replied getting some breakfast 'well I was thinking of going to mal mal it u wanna come and then go in the pool for a while if u like' I said to her will sitting on my phone 'sure I would love to we  better get changed then shouldnt we' she said sitting down next to me 'yeah we should' I said getting up to got to my room to get changed

I get changed into this

I get changed into this

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And no make up I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a pony tail out of the way

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And no make up I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a pony tail out of the way. I go down stairs and I see ondreaz making a tictok so I decided to run up to him and jump on his back 'I told you I would get you back didn't I' I said getting off of his back 'yeah you Did but u can't lie you and Tony look cute together' he said going to redo the tictok I blushed and walked away. I went into the kitchen to see Addison has gone she probably went to get changed. I went to get some cereal but I couldn't reach the bowl. I felt to pair of strong hand around my waist and a head on my neck so I said 'goodmorning Tony' I said turning around with his hands still on my waist as I put my arms around his neck so I could give him a hug. 'how did to you know it was me' he said with a smile that made me have butterflys in my stomach. 'idk I just knew it was you' I siad turning back round to get the bowl that I still could not reach. Tony picked Me up and put me on the counter and got the bowl for me and stood in between my legs 'thx lopez' I siad smirking cuse I knew got to call him by his last name since he don't like being called by his last name but I do it just cuse I know it anoyes him 'don't call me by my last name' he said looking I to my eyes then looking down to my lips

Cliff hanger I wonder what tony does he kiss leah or not
I also give me some ideas

how i meet tony lopezWhere stories live. Discover now