Hi I'm Leah and I am 19 years old . i just moved to LA with my mum and my brother jack. The real reason why we moved to LA is because my friend Addison,Charlie and avani live there. so I thought if we moved out therenit would be easier to see them i...
I see avani addison and charli. I drop my bag and run to them. They see me and run to me inhug them tightly and we all dropped to the floor crying. We all let go and stand up. ' finally i get to see you after a year.' I said crying my eyes out 'me to ' they replied crying .'come on help me with my bags' said starting to walk back over to my mum and brother. I introduce them to my mum and brother .They help me with my bags and we all start to catch up on things that we have missed. I say to my mum that ill meet you at the house after i go and say hi to everyone at the hype house and she said she if fine with that as long im back before 6 so i can start to put everything away. 'I have missed u guys so much you dont understand' they reply ' we have missed you to' we put my bags in the car and make are way to the hype house. As i grab my dunkin drink and strat to drink it is felt so nice ton have dunkin sice texas only has starbuck which is not as great #team dunkin
(Addison pov) I get a text of lah saying that she has arrived sonwe all het out of the car and leave are drinks there so we can hug her with out getting dunkin all over her. We start to walk over to a place so we can she her. We wait for about 5 minutes. We hear a thud we turn around and theres leah running toward us . we run toward her and we start to cry and we hug her as tight as we can.
(Avanis pov) We arrive wt the airport waiting for mine and charli surprise. We wait for a while untill i hear a thub i turn round and straight the way i released its was leah and i start to cry and run to her for a hug charli and Addison follow. We hug and fall to the floor. I missed her so much i would cry every night to sleep cuse i wasnt be able to see her i would text her at night for 2 hours and then i would go to sleep. We stand stand up and make are way to help her with her bags and we meet her older brothr jack i though who was cute i cant lie but i already have a bf anthony
(Charli pov) We arrrive at the airport but i have a strange felling about this i look at addison and she tells me its gonna be okay and not to worry. I hear a thud i turn around and see leah running toward us i start to cry and run to her with addison and avani we hug for so long crying on each other. We eventually stand up and make are way to help her with her bags and meet her mum and brother. I could see avani in the corner of my eye blushing as soon as she meet jack.
We all start to head to the hype house and addison opens the door ans shouts 'were bach whilst I was drinking my dunkin everyone starts to run to the living room. I see a cute guy with brown curly hair brown eyes and a white smile as soon as i walk in. I felt all eyes on me. Addison introduced me. 'Guys this is leah ' addison said looking at me with a smile. ' hi guys' said in a shy voice. Addison lead me into the living room to meet every one. After everyone introduced them selfs except from one person. 'Hi im tony' he said in a sweet smooth voice i got butterflys in my belly. 'Hi tony im leah its nice to meet u'. I said shaking his hand. And sat down next to him I could see Addison looking at so I turned to her and smiled. And turned back round to talk to the others and get to know each other a bit more. After an hour of talking with the rest I got a text from my mum Mum- mum💞 Leah-babygirl
Hay sweety it's time to come home now
abygirl Okay mum ill get Addison to drop me off cya soon xx love u
I turned to Addison 'Hay addi errm my mum texted me saying I have to go home now. But if we want we can hang out tomorrow.' 'ohhh okay what's the address' she said with disopointment 'the address is ***************' i said showing her the address. So I said bye to everyone and went home. It was a 30 minute drive it seemed like forever. As we pulled up we both got out of the car and looked at the house it was huge. 'wooooowww' we both said at the same time as my mum opened the door. The house looks like this
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We both walked up to the house and said bye to Addison as she helped me with my bags since they were in her car and I had forgot to ask my mum to take them with her I put my suff up in my roo. She said and started to unpacked. I it even had its own bathroom which I'm glad since in our old house I had to share one with Jack uhh it was so annoying he takes longer then me to get ready. By the time I finished my room looked like this
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And the bathroom
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After I finished in packing I got changed into my pjs
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With some Nike shorts And switched on neflix and that's when I got a text from an unknown number ??? - Tony, Leah-cutie💞 ???- Hay leah it's tony I wonder if one day we could hang out one day Cutie💞-sure but I can't tomorrow I'm hanging out with Addison Tony 🚁-it's okay well good night leah Cutie💞-goodnight Tony
I switched of neflix and went to sleep
Sorry this is a bit long but next chapter will be short I promise