Hi I'm Leah and I am 19 years old . i just moved to LA with my mum and my brother jack. The real reason why we moved to LA is because my friend Addison,Charlie and avani live there. so I thought if we moved out therenit would be easier to see them i...
After me and kovur went out and I got a make over we went to dunlin I got a ice brew with caramel and whole milk for me and charli cuse last time I went charli was mad at me
We made are way home I opened the door to find the girls in the living room on live they walked up to me and said :wow leah u look different leah : ik I went and got a make over with kovur to show what Tony's missing and I got 2 tattoos a look. I showedthem the tattoo they liked them I gave charli her coffie and I went straight yo stairs to out my stuff away and tony was there on the bed asleep with tears in his eyes. I put my clothes away and I found my pregnancy test that came back positive luckily I had another one to mark sure. I went to the bathroom and took it I waited and 5 minutes a d I checked it came back positive I started to cry I went to kovur Convo Kov : leah what's wrong Leah : can u speak to you in ur room with the girls Kov : sure avani Addison charli Mia dixie come her plz Girls: yeah a d y leah crying Charli and avani :what did Tony do this time ill kill him Leah :no he didn't do anything just come ill tell you in kovur room
In kovurs room Kov : so what did u want to tell me I passed her the test he jumped up and down she showed the girls the jumped up and down
Girls: congratulations but how are you supposed to tell tony Leah : I don't know Charli : y don't we all got with u to tell him Leah : okay
We went to Tony's and leahs room we found him on his bed crying I went up to him he looked up a d said leah u look different a d I'm so so so so so so sorry I didn't want to kiss nikita she said she would hurt u if I didn't and I like the tattoo on ur lip Leah : its okay I forgive u and I have something to tell u Tony : yeah what is it Leah : Well do u know when I said that day when I was throwing up a d all that lot well I took 2 test and Tony : yeah and in a worried tone Leah : in pregnant Tony : I'm gonna be a dad Leah : yep u are too come her u big baby
I pulled I to the biggest kiss ever and hugged him Tony : I can't be believe I'm gonna be a dad also does that mean we're back together Leah : yeas asking as u stay way from Nikita turns up Nikita : stay away from who Leah : you Nikita: why would I do that for Leah : first he's my boyfriend and two he's gonna be a dad Nikita :hes gonna be a what Leah: he's gonna be a dad u heard what I said and lso u spoke to Thomas he soad ur being kicked out and u don't want u be back her again unless he or either one of use wants u here Nikita: fine I should be me who's carrying his child not you but oh well that baby's gonna have a lot of hate on its life Leah : don't you dare say that about my unborn child now get out Nikita :okay I don't need u to shout Nikita left Every one came yo to see what was going on Ondreaz : what was all that shouting about Leah : Well nikita not happy that Tony's Tony : that I'm gonna be a dad Ondreaz : wait I'm gonna be an uncle The boys: there gonna be a baby coppter I giggled Leah : well I gonna go to the hospital tomorrow to see how far I am and what gender plus I'm gonna supprise the fans with a photo of me Tony holding a pair of baby boots that I have I'm my bag that I always wanted my child to wear Tony and ondreaz : I don't believe it they said hugging each other running around the house shouting I'm gonna be a dad I'm gonna be a uncle I found I quite funny I told Tony get his ass back here so we can take the photo
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Liked by :lopez_tony, addisonrae, avani, charlidamelio 500,0000 more Caption :new addition to the family Comments : Lopez_tony :can't wait to meet my baby Ondreazlopez: in gonna be an uncle Charlidamelio:congratulations can I be Godmother with kovur and avani ↪Sure why not Kovur :cute