Hi I'm Leah and I am 19 years old . i just moved to LA with my mum and my brother jack. The real reason why we moved to LA is because my friend Addison,Charlie and avani live there. so I thought if we moved out therenit would be easier to see them i...
(Recap) You and tony were hanging out today cause adi had to go back home because of family problems.
Tony opened door to the hype house and everyone was in the living room charli, avani and kouvr were doing Tiktoks. Ondreaz, alex and thomas were messing around and the rest of them were doing there own things in the living room. As soon i walked into the door and all eyes turned to me. Ondreaz and the boys jaws dropped i started to blush. The girls all ran up to me and ask to speak to me in private. I said yes Convo Kouvr: wow Leah u look sexy Leah: thxs kouvr Avani: u look good I smiled Charli : i wish i could look like you Leah: don't say that charli u beautiful just the way you are i said pulling her into a hug so what did u want to tell me. The girls smirked Avani: Addison told us about what you told her about the dream and stuff I looked to the floor and blushed hard The girls: don't worry we wont tell anyone especially you know what. They whispered:eventellanyonethatyoulikedtony. Leah: thx ill be back later I'm gonna find tony Girls: bye have fun
I left the girls to find tony i saw ondreaz in the living room but tony was no were to be seen. ' Hay ondreaz have u seen tony' i said making him jump ' FUCK LEAH' he said ' sorry ondreaz but have you seen tony' i said trying not to laugh ' oh tony went upstairs' he said going back to what ever he was doing. I ran upstairs to Tony's room and he was sitting on his bed on his phone. I walked up to him and sat on the empty space next to him. ' hay tony wanna hang out now.' I said causing him to put his phone down.' Yeah sure how come the girls wanted to talk to you.' He asked me with caution.' Oh they wanted to know why I'm here.'i said smiling at him ' oh okay' he said smiling back. 'so what do you wanna do then' i asked tony ' wanna watch a movie.'he said switching on Netflix ' sure why not.' I said taking of my shoes.' What do you wanna watch how about a horror movie.' He said smiling at me cause he knows i hate horror movies.' Fine.' I said rolling my eyes.' If you want ill order post mates' I said looking at him as i switch on my phone ' sure why not ' he said ' really it 2.' I said with a pouting face ' don't worry Leah if you get scared I'm here for you' he said with a smirk ' okay thx tony and post mates will here in 10 minutes 'i said tony as he is switching on it2
Whilstwatchingthemovie It hasn't really been that scary so far we are watching in the dark I'm snuggled up to tony i fell safe in his arms. My phone pinks which makes me jump i start to laugh. I look at my phone and post mates is here. I said to tony that post mates here he said okay and let me go. I ran down stairs and got post mates i seen kouvr looking at me with a smirk ' what kouvr' i said looking at her .' Nothing just have fun.' She said looking away. I ran upstairs back to Tony's room and jumped back on the bed and gave him his food. He paused it2 whilst we eat and switch on his led lights. We ate, we talked we laughed. After we finished eating we switched back on it2 and turned of the lights. I snuggled back up to tony as he put his arm around me placing his hand on my waist.
Halfwaythoughthemovie I felt a scare coming so i buried my face in to tony chest. He laughed ' its okay Leah' he said lifting up my chin and giving me a hug. ' thx tony' i said smiling at him he smiled back and we continued watching the movie. I felt my eyes getting heavy and heavier my eyes closed and fell asleep.
(Tony's pov) Me and Leah are watching it2. She buried her face in my chest every time she got scared i chuckled a little bit. I told her it was okay. I noticed that she had fell asleep. So i switched of the movie. And when and got changed in my PJs ready for bed. I got in my PJs which were just shorts and no shirt. I switched off the bathroom light an climbed into bed i pulled Leah towards me and kissed her forehead. She smiled. I put my arm around her and cuddled up to her and fell sleep.
Next day I woke up and found Tony's arm around me i checked my phone it was 10:30am. I didn't want to wake Tony. I tried to get up but he pulled me back towards him.' Stay here for a while please' he said in a raspy voice ' no tony we have to get up its 10:30 in the morning' i said looking at him as he lets me go to rub his eyes with the back of his hands. I smiled at him he smiled back. ' Tony can i borrow some clothes please' i asked him because i was still in the clothes from yesterday ' yeah sure here' he said passing me on of his hoodies and a pair of his sweatpants. ' thx tony ' i said with a smile ' anytime' he replied with a chuckle. I went in to Tony's bathroom and got change. I put on Tony's clothes and they were comfortable as hell. I looked in the mirror and released i still had my makeup on so whipped it of with some facial wipes i had in my bag and washed my face to get the remaining make up on my face that i have missed and put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom and tony wasn't in the room i didn't pay attention so i grabbed my phone and went down stairs to the kitchen
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I saw ondreaz in the on the counter eating his breakfast. ' Hay ondreaz' i said rubbing my eyes 'hay Leah i see u have robbed Tony's clothes.' He said giving me a hug as i hugged back. ' yeah' i chuckled as he left the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and stared to pour some cereal. I felt to hand around my waist and and a head buried in my neck. I knew it was tony. I turned round with Tony's hand still on my waist ' Morning tony' i said giving him a hug ' morning Leah sleep well' he asked pulling out of the hug but leaving his hands on my waist ' yes and thank you for last night i really enjoyed it' i said giving him a smile ' no problem' he said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed. Tony chuckled ad said ' you look good in my clothes' he said giving me a smirk. I blushed harder . Out of know were i could see the girls in the background giving each other a high five . ' Ooooooo' the girls said . i turned round and blushed even harder as i went and at down. Tony joined me and put his hand on my thigh i got butterflies in my stomach as i looked at him and smiled. I turned back round and started to eat my breakfast ' ur beautiful Leah' tony said whispering in my ear. I blushed.