Chapter 2

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Some nurse came in a few minutes later and checked on me. He ran some witchy tests, which I objected at first, but after a puppy dog eye from Justin, I let them.

That was when I learned about something being wrong with me. I was happy.

How could I be happy?

My dad had been shot, probably died of hemorrhage just a day earlier,  I hadn't heard from my brother, or my son, and I was there happy.

"Why isn't Henry  here?How is my dad? "I asked quietly trying not to alerm him as well as not being jaded.

That was the first thing I should have asked the moment I woke up,

but for some reasons, it totally slipped my mind.
I didn't want him to know that I had only gotten that part of my memory just a few seconds ago. When he had hugged me and his scent made me remembered my son, my brother and eventually my dad.

Then it cleared up in my mind about the altercation at the court house.

I shivered a little at the thought, that I actually, might had been amnesiac.

Stealthily, I exhilarated, blinking my tears away. I wanted to play it cool.
I didn't want another syringe of my blood to be taken for another test, I would run dry before hugging my son again.

"I am so sorry honey." Justin whispered almost inaudibly. But I caught it.
sorry for what?I wondered what else was there that I had missed. That I had forgotten.

He shifted uncomfortably on the chair. It was as if he was sitting on some spiky nails. I knew he loved me, I couldn't for a second doubt our love, but at the moment, he looked like he wanted to be somewhere far away from me.

"Let me call the doctor, they took your blood for a test."
no shit Sherlock. I mentally ridiculed.

I knew that. I was seeing them syphon my blood just now.
Without further elaborations, he pulled himself off the chair, letting his fingers linger on my fingers a little bit longer, before he walked to the door.

I was left with millions of questions whose answers, I didn't think I would have liked .
Why couldn't he answer when I asked about my brother? Did Zayn drag him to hell with him when he died?

I tossed that distasteful thought away as Justin yanked the door open and stepped out. A few seconds later, a doctor peeped through the door.

He flashed me a million dollar reassuring smile,  before sauntering   into the room.

I afforded a small smile, even though I was a mess inside. He started treading towards my bed, his smile still on, though his gaze occasionally shifted from the file he had and me.

He adjusted the blue  file on his right hand and did something on my machine.

I was about to ask what was going on when Justin walked in looking a lot less stressed up and joined me at audiencing whatever he was doing. 

"Alright Mr and Mrs Beiber..." He paused his eyes searching for our eyes. "We have good news." he continued as both Justin and I looked hopeful.

We didn't care that he gave us titles we hadn't taken yet. I loved the sound of it. I loved being called Mrs Beiber.

"Despite hitting your head, you don't have any concussion, you don't have amnesia of any kind,you, my dear are safe and surprisingly enough, your baby, is also safe. I believe congratulations are  in order." He cheered, the last part, which he clearly addressed to Justin.

The hell?
My heart beat irked.

If I was drinking something at the moment, I definitely would have spat on everyone's faces.

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