Chapter 13

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"What?" I whispered  mostly to myself. The information knocked the air right out of my lungs. Confusion cough,fast heart rate, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, slow heart rate;all that, attacked me in a second.

No, this is not how I die, hypoxia, seriously?

It felt like a heart attack. I clutched my chest so hard afraid that if I let go, I would drop dead for real.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around me, hoisting me up. "All these nonsense about wanting a kid and the minute I tell you that you have one out there you want to die of a stupid cardiac arrest? "Louis snorted helping me up. I didn't even know how or why I was exerting pressure on my wounded leg.

He helped me to my bed and once I was seated, he ran his inked fingers through his unruly hair. Just like me, for a moment there he thought I was dying for real.

"I am not afraid, I am  just beyond shocked that I had it with Harry's wife." Even though he was my enemy, I could never have betrayed him like that. Not even in a million years.

Wait a minute, I didn't even know he got married let alone whom the wife was.All this time I focused on Cherry and Justin too much, ergo missing out on something as crucial as knowing people around me, hence fraternizing with my mate's wife?

No wonder karma had been bitting me in the ass like nobody's business. My cherry was with another man.

This, is karma.Every bloody bad person in the fiasco, was settling down before me.
They were the villains . How come the villains get the ladies, while I got nothing but guns pointed at my ass. I was deemed evil just because I fought for what I wanted.

The world is crazy. What I call valiant, they called crazy. But then again if I was evil, Harry was worse. A wolf in a black suit. He was a traitor, added to the list of everything I was.

Treg mentioned that she was a slut, they deserved each other. He probably got married right after betraying me.  "What the fuck is his name?"I aired my thought, after a very long time.

"As if you know the name of any of the women you've fucked."

"That is probably right." I let out a humorless chuckle. He joined along, his demeanor softening.

"The slut, is the woman you raped at the club, she got pregnant, had a child and apparently Harry too ." Now it was my time to get horrified,because it clicked.I knew that woman.

I couldn't forget that woman, how could I ? she suffered the same hubris as Cherry, she reminded me of my Cherry. A fighter though fragile. I couldn't forget that night either, because it was the very night Cherry and I consummated our marriage.

The very night Cherry ruined me for all other women. It was then that she trained my rod to never cum for anyone else, but her. She tamed me.

Don't get her image twisted. Of course she didn't want me but who cared? I still had my way with her over and aver and over, till she passed out.

"You mean to say that Harry married her, knowing full well that she and I had a past? For fuck sake, he was there. He saw me make that baby and instead of telling me, he ran along for my son to call him father? " my voice boomed through the room as my veins threatened to pop up. "you see why I want to behead that son of a bitch. He stole my kid from me." He nodded in apprehension,before nearing the edge of the bed and plopped on it.

"Let's hold off on the beheading project for now, how sure are we even that  it is  yours?" "

"Hey!" I shot up from the bed. My finger pointed acussingly, "You are the one that just told me, I had a child, I was just sitting here missing my wife and you answered that weird call and told me.I almost died for fuck's sake"I growled and his brows creased.

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