Chapter 1

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l Woke to the sound of my twin brother Luke playing loud music.I looked at my phone, It was 8:30 a.m. I rolled her eyes and kicked the covers off of my bed and leaped out. I stomped out of the room and headed towards Luke's room, but just when I was about to knock, my mother called a family meeting. I let out a long exasperated sigh and strolled down the stairs. 

When I got to the sitting room I found  mam who was dressed in her usual tracksuit and had dirty blond hair thrown into a bun , dad who was wearing his work suit and had his jet black hair was brushed back, my older sister Dee (Deirdre) who was still in her Betty boop pyjama's and her chocolate brown hair flowed down her back, and my older brother Liam who was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt. His chocolate brown hair was in a mess. I sat myself between Mam and Dee. A few minutes later after Luke had finally got down the stairs wearing nothing but his boxers, mam began to talk. "Okay lads I have some news, I'm not sure how you'll take it so I'm just gonna let it out" Mam sighed. Liam jumped up from his chair " Oh god you're pregnant again, aren't you" He started to pace the room " I can't take another child mam I've been through this 3 times before, I'm 21 i'ts too much stress" He cried. Mam put her hand on his shoulder and laughed. "I'm not pregnant you fool". Liam fell back onto the couch and let out a sigh of relief. "The news is... is that we're moving to Washington D.C" Mam grinned. My eyes widened. "D.C as in America?" I asked defensively. Her mam nodded her head in response. Rachel leaped up from the couch. "What?! I have a life here, I have friends, school... A BOYFRIEND. Why would you take that all away from me" Dee stood up and looked into me eyes. "Love just let it go" She rubbed my arm. "Let it go?!" I shrieked. I turned around and stormed up the stairs, I was furious, "How could this be happening" I thought to myself, "How am I going to tell Amber and Danny and Brian" I quickly changed into black Jeans and A white hoodie. I let my long sandy brown hair flow down my back. 

After I had changed I put in my headphones and headed out of the house. I didn't know where she was going but I just kept walking I needed to clear my head. I thought about what it would be like in America and how different it was there and what if they thought I was a loser, I'd seen American TV shows, I saw what there high schools were like. I tried to stop thinking about it but I just couldn't. I found myself walking toward my best friend Amber's house. "I guess I better brake the news to her first" I said aloud. 

When I reached Amber's house i Knocked on the door loudly. I could feel a lump forming in my throat. "Hey Rach" Amber beamed as she opened the door. "Hi" I said half heatedly. I could see Amber noticed something was wrong. She had never seen me this upset about anything, not even when Fred Wesley died in Harry Potter. "What's wrong?" Amber asked. I looked up at Amber with tear filled eyes and managed to say, "Let's just go inside, we need to talk." Amber nodded and lead me into the sitting room and we sat on the couch. "I have some bad news" I choked. "What is it?" Amber insisted. "I'm moving to America"."Ha ha Very funny, now what do you really have to tell me" Amber laughed, although I knew deep down she knew it was true due to the fact that I was a crappy liar. I looked up into Amber's eyes and burst into tears. Amber Pulled me into a hug and squeezed  me tight. "What am I gonna do?" I sobbed. "I don't know but we will figure this out" Amber said rocking I back and forth.

Once I had calmed down we decided what to do next. "I have to tell Brian" I sighed putting my head in my hands. "You have to do it tonight" Amber told me. Just then my Phone started ringing. I looked at it and let out a long exasperated sigh. "Speak of the devil". It was Brian . I answered the phone and brought it to my ear. "Hey babe" Brian said. "hey" I tried to hide my sorrow. "Where are you?" He asked. "I'm just about to leave Amber's why" I told him. "Cool can we meet somewhere?" he quizzed. "Sure, how about the Chipper in 15 minutes" I suggested. "Sure see you then" He beamed. "Bye" I hung up the phone. "I don't know what to say to him. I closed my eyes and flopped onto the couch. "It doesn't matter what you say or how you say it, but he needs to know" Amber touch my arm. Rachel nodded and stood up. "I'm gonna go now" I told Amber. "Okay Hun". I hugged  Amber tightly before I left.

When I got to the chipper I saw Brian waiting for me. He was wearing blue Jeans and an ADIDAS hoodie. His jet black hair was brushed out of his face. When he saw me his face lit up. He walked to me and opened his arms wide. I entered his arms and hugged him. "Hey, you want something to eat" He smiled. "No I'm not really hungry right now" I said. "Okay" Brian took my hand and walked into the chipper. "Hi can I get a regular chip and two cans of coke" Brian asked the cashier. "Ya that's... 4 euros" She told him. Brian payed the money and came to wait with me. "Are you okay you seem a little upset" Brian asked. I looked up at him. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "Brian we need to talk" I croaked. "Oh god you're breaking up with me aren't you" Brian Panicked. "No Brian of course not" I laughed a little. Brian let out a sigh of relief. "I think we should go somewhere more private though" I  said. So Brian got his food and we went to our special place.It was a little forest where not many people went.

When I go there I sat down on a large rock while Brian stood in front of me. "Brian I'm just gonna come right out with this I'm moving to America" I looked down at the ground. Brian tilted my head up and looked at me in the eyes. "I love you" He told me. A huge goofy smile spread across my face. My insides began to melt. For that moment I let the idea of leaving this perfect life that I had slip from my mind. I looked into Brian's eyes. "I love you too" I replied. He put his arms around my waist and leaned in to kiss me. I put my hands around Brian's neck and met his mouth with mine. The thought of leaving this made me sick to the stomach I had everything I needed here.

Later that night Brian and I headed back to my house. I laced my hand into Brian's, He looked down and smiled at me. "I'm gonna miss you so much" I sighed looking at the ground. "I'm gonna miss you too, When are you leaving?" He asked pulling me towards him. "I don't know I didn't stay long enough to find out". "Okay we need to find out so we know how much time we have left together and we are gonna spend every day together until you leave" He squeezed me tightly.

After a while we finally reached my house."So I'll see you tomorrow then?" I said to Brian. Brian nodded and pulled me in for a kiss. I waited until he was out of sight to go inside. I pushed the front door open and threw my keys on the coffee table. "Hello is anyone home?" I called. There was no answer. "mam?" I walked into the kitchen. Mam, Dee and Liam were sitting at the table. Mam jumped from the table and hugged me tightly. "Where the hell were you?" mam cried. "I was out with Brian" Il told her. "Why didn't you answer you're phone?" "It died". "Okay was Luke with you?" Mam asked me. I shook my head. "We haven't seen him all day. Just then there was a knock at the door. I ran to get the door.Mam followed.

When I opened the door I saw two guards, a man and a woman. The man was tall and muscular with Blond hair and a friendly smile. The woman had a strict looking face, her hair was jet black and she was quite short. "Excuse me Miss sorry to disturb you but does this boy live here" The man said.I looked out to the guard car to see my twin brother Luke in the back of it.

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