Chapter 6

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The next day was awful, Luke wouldn't even look me in the eye, which I thought was really ignorant considering that the last week we were in Ireland I had to watch him suck face with my best friend. My mam wanted us to all go out for a family dinner that night, as we were all finished UN-packing. So we all went to this fancy restaurant called 'The fried Lobster'. I thought it was a stupid name for a restaurant as they didn't actually sell lobster. 

"So what's everyone getting?" Mam asked handing each of us a menu. "I don't care" Luke snapped. I rolled my eyes at him. "I'll get The pepperoni pizza and a glass of coke" I told her. While everyone was telling Mam what they wanted I got a text from Sam.

Sam:hey you busy?

Me: Ya I'm having dinner with the family, why?

Sam: just wanted to see you

Me: I can meet you after

Sam: Great text me when you're finished and I'll pick you up, what restaurant are you at?

Me: The fried lobster.

Sam: Cool see you then xx

"Who are you texting?" Luke asked me. "None of your freaking bee's wax" I snapped. "Are you texting Sam?" he growled. Everyone at the table looked at me. "No I'm texting Alex actually" I lied. "Let me see" He said. "No" I said sternly. I put my phone in my bag. "I'm going to the bathroom". I stormed off into the bathroom. Dee followed.

"Rach don't mind him, Liam did stuff like this to me all the time growing up" She rubbed my arm. "I hate him" I yelled. "look Rachel why don't you just ignore him pretend he's not there don't answer him" Dee told me. "you're right" I started laughing "lets go".

Back at the table our food was already there. "Hey mam can I go out with a friend after dinner?" I asked mam. "Oh who Sam?" Luke growled. I ignored him. "Ya sure love". She replied. "Mam she's probably going out with a guy, you know" Luke protested. "Thanks Mam" I smiled. Dee winked at me from across the table. "Yup she's going out with Sam after dinner" He sighed. "So what if she is it's none of your business anyway" Dee snapped at him. Luke was astonished that anyone was taking my side. "Hey lay off him" Liam told Dee. "Lay off him?!" Dee was really mad now. "Just because he saw her sitting with a guy at a party, doesn't give him the right to make her feel crappy about herself" She growled. "He's just looking out for her" Liam protested. "No he's being an A**hole" She shouted. "Hey leave Liam alone" Luke shouted. "No you two leave Dee alone" I yelled back. Insults were flying back and forth, It was girls against guys, even mam and dad joined in. Finally I finished it all. "I'm leaving, this is between me and Luke not anyone else" I picked up my bag and walked out of the restaurant. I decided to give Sam a text. 

Me: Hey can we meet somewhere else please?

Sam: sure how about that old parking lot near the library

Me: Sure see you soon.

I had no idea where this place was so I called a taxi. I had a bit of cash on me from when I went dress shopping so I could pay it off.

I got to the library about 10 minutes earlier than expected. So I decided to wander around the place. I went to the Library doors but they were locked, unfortunately the library is only open on weekdays. I walked around the building a few times to see if I could spot Sam, but he wasn't there, no-one was there it was deserted. Then I remembered he asked to meet me in the parking lot, which I knew was just around the block, so I headed towards there.

The parking lot was also deserted. "Hello?" I called out. No-on answered. It was starting to get cold and I was really freaked out. "This is the start of a really scary movie" I murmured to myself. When I reached the third floor of the parking lot I heard voices. They were both male. "Admit it you were the one who killed my family" One voice said. "You were one of the soldiers that killed my wife" The second voice said. "I'm not admitting to anything" the first voice said. "Neither am I" The second voice said. I ran to hide behind a pillar. I peeked out from behind it and there was Sam, standing opposite a very rough looking guy about 18-19 years old. I pulled my head back behind the pillar. Suddenly a gun shot rang out. My heart leaped into my throat, I was scared to look beyond the pillar. I had a strong feeling in my gut who had shot the gun, and it wasn't Sam. Slowly I turned around and sure enough Sam was lying on the ground with blood pumping from his chest. I heard footsteps getting further and further away until I couldn't hear them anymore. 

I ran as fast as I could to Sam, tears were pouring from my eyes. The white shirt he was wearing was blood red. "Oh my god, Sam wake up, Sam... SAM" I shook him as hard as I could. "SAM" I screamed. I lay my head down on his chest and sobbed. After a few moments, I felt his chest rise and he took a deep breath in. I pulled my head up and hugged him as tight as I could. "Your early" He coughed. "You just got shot" I cried. He giggled a little. "Believe me, I'm fine". He got up from he ground and brushed himself off. He pulled a cigarette from the back pocket of his jeans, lit it, and began to smoke it. "We need to get you to a hospital" I insisted. "The only thing we need to do is get out of here before anyone realizes that's my blood" He told me. "No I'm not leaving until you agree to get that looked at" I insisted. "You sure about that?" He gave me a cheeky smile. I folded my arms and nodded. "Okay" He took the cigarette from his mouth, threw it on the floor and walked towards me. He grabbed me around the legs and put me over his shoulder. "Sam put me down! What are you doing?" I screamed. "Look you deserve an explanation, you do, but not here and if you aren't going to move then I'm going to move you myself" He explained. "Oh my god Sam, put me down" I yelled.

He strolled to his car and put me in the passenger's seat. "Fine I'm calm, now tell me why you aren't dead" I told him. "Nope not here, we have to go back to my place" He said. I let out a long sigh. "I thought you were dead" I said softly. "But I'm not, look I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere" He stopped the car and looked into my eyes. He took my face in his hands and wiped my tears away with his thumb. I planted a kiss on his mouth and let my head fall onto his shoulder. I sat there for a moment and let him hold me. 

We pulled up to a small estate of apartments, It wasn't too far from where I lived which made me pretty happy. "Just before we go in here I think you should know my sister's a little...odd" He warned me. "Hello my brother nearly killed you last night" I told him. 

The apartment was quite small, but I liked it. The kitchen and the sitting room were one room and there was two small bedrooms, that was pretty much it. You could tell a girl lived here, as the interior design was astounding, everything was, cream and white and neutral colours. There was a large tv hanging from the wall. "We should get to my room before....." Sam was interrupted by a Gorgeous looking woman, who looked about 23. She had the same dark hair and eyes as Sam, I knew straight away she was his sister.

"Sammy you didn't tell me you were bringing company" She walked to me and hugged me. She had a friendly and inviting smile. "I'm Ariana, Sam's older sister" She told me. "I'm Rachel" I smiled. She closed her eyes, and touched Sam's chest. "Your bleeding" She gasped. "Good job Einstein did you figure that out all by yourself" He said sarcastically. She gave him a cheeky smile. "Fine you can wash that t-shirt yourself" She laughed. "Gladly, now were going to my room" He yelled playfully. "Be careful, I'm not ready to be an auntie yet". My eyes widened, I could honestly say I did not plan on losing my virginity that night. Sam shook his head and laughed weakly. "Let's just go". He said leading me to his room.  

His room was very small all that was in it was, a bed, a wardrobe and a window. "Okay now I will tell you everything, and I will understand if you never want to see me again. I'm not..human, I'm like a ghost, I'm not excepted in heaven, so I'm forced to roam the earth and earn my way in" He sat on his bed and looked up at me seriously. "That's funny, really funny" I was a little freaked out at this point. "If this is a joke how do you explain this" He took off his shirt and pointed to where he was shot, but there was no wound. I almost didn't notice that he had rock hard abs, that looked almost airbrushed. He was perfect, despite the fact that he was dowsed in blood. Any normal person would have ran out the door and never looked back, but I felt a connection to him, I wanted to be with him all the time, I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to hold his hand. I stood in silence for a little while. Sam stood up and walked towards me. "Rachel please say something" he begged. I was still speechless. "Look I know it's a lot to take in and I feel like I should put my t-shirt back on" He sighed. I laughed loudly. Which made a smile spread across his face. I hugged him tight never wanting to let go. "I really thought you were going to walk out that door" I felt a tear drop on my forehead, it was Sam's. "I'd never do that, I don't care what you are" I pulled away and looked into his eyes. When he looked at me his eyes filled with amusement and he began to laugh. My hands flew to my face. "What, is there something on my face?" I asked. "Your face is covered in blood" He chuckled. I looked in the mirror and sure enough my face was red, but I didn't care all I cared about was that Sam was okay, he was alive and he was mine.

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