Chapter 7

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"So have you died?" I asked Sam as I snuggled up to him on the couch. "Yup, At the end of world war one and then I came back as a ghost" He explained. "Why did that guy shoot you" I quizzed. This question had been waiting to burst out. "I don't think your ready for the answer to that just yet" He sighed. I stood up and looked at him. "Was he a ghost too?" I asked. Sam nodded. "When will I be ready to know?"."Look all you need to know right now is that I'm not human" He insisted. "Fine" I crossed my arms and sat back down. "Look You won't be able to handle it all at once, I'll tell you just not now, if I tell you now you'll never want to look at me again" he assured me. "Okay, but tell me one thing, why can I touch you, why can I see you, why aren't you invisible, like ghosts are supposed to be?" I asked. He chuckled loudly. "Nothing would be able to survive on earth in spirit mode, The earth is made for physical beings only, If I went transparent on earth for longer than 10 minutes I'd deteriorate into nothing" He exclaimed. "Oh that's pleasant" I said. He nodded his head again. "Wait why would he shoot you if you don't die" I quizzed. "cause it hurts like hell" he half smiled. I lay my head on his chest where he was shot and closed my eyes. 

"Rachel run" I heard Sam's voice in my head. "He locked me in a music box, in ghost form, I can't turn back into a physical being in such a small space, I dont's have much time left, I need you" His voice echoed inside my head. "I will find you no matter what happens" I yelled. I could sense he was in the building, but there were hundreds of rooms in this hotel, it could have been anyone. "I can feel you getting closer" He said as I reached the 6th floor. He wasn't on this floor, or the next or the next, He was on the 12th I could feel it. I ran to the stairs and kept going up and up until I reached  the 12th floor. "SAM" I yelled. "I can hear you" he spoke to my mind. My my heart was in my throat at this point, if anything happened to him what would I do. I came to a golden door with the number 734 on it. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I began to bang on the door screaming Sam's name, as the door opened all I heard was a gunshot.

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. It took me a minute to answer the phone as I was still shook from the dream even though all I remembered from it was the number 734. I looked at my phone to see it was my mother. "Hello Rachel?" Mam yelled. "Ya mam it's me what's wrong?" I said. "Where the hell are you? You just walked out of the restaurant without telling anyone where you were going, I thought something had happened to you" She screamed. "Okay I'll be home in 10 minutes" I assured her. I hung up the phone and rolled my eyes. I looked over to Sam who was sound asleep on the couch next to me. "Sam wake up" I shook him lightly. "I'M UP, I'm up" He called. I laughed at the way he jumped up from the couch. "I need you to take me home my mam just called" I told him. "What time is it?" he asked rubbing his eyes. I looked at my phone. "5 past 11" I sighed. "Shit how long did we sleep?" He groaned. "About 2 and a half hours" I giggled. Sam grabbed his keys from the coffee table. "Let's go" He put his arm around me and we walked to the car.

"So what do you think will happen?" Sam asked as we pulled up in front of my house. "Well if Luke doesn't interfere, nothing" I told him as I got out of the car. "What no kiss goodnight?" He chuckled. I stuck my head back in the car and pecked him on the lips. "That's it?! It's just not my day today is it" He joked. I blew him a kiss as I walked up the drive. 

I opened the door and threw my keys on the little table next to the door. "You're in trouble" Luke teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and strolled into the kitchen. Mam jumped from the table as soon as she saw me. "you are in so much trouble, where were you?" she growled. "I was out with Carly and Alex" I lied. "Well you should have told me first, now we brought your food from the restaurant home, it's in the fridge if you want it" She sighed. I hugged her. "I'm sorry mam, it won't happen again" I told her. "It better not". I got my pizza from the fridge and brought it up to my room.

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