fall ; 19

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The crowds at the cafes and beaches died down as September came; summer was over and school was starting for all the tourists. It was a lull period and the Hawaiian locals had their island back to themselves again. It was a crazy day at the beach, business at the cafe was rather slow — no one really came outdoors that day because it was raining cats and dogs. There was a lightning alert so the lifeguards had closed the beach and were confined to their little tower. EJ was taking a nap while the newer lifeguards were filling in paperwork and the senior lifeguards headed to the gym to get some exercise in. It was a slow day, and a chilly one too, winds exceptionally strong. Ricky was texting Nini, who was bored out of her life due to the lack of customers in the shop.


Tim the new barista is cooking us lunch today, I hope we don't get food poisoning

He laughed at her skepticism of the poor guy's cooking skills; his girlfriend, although kind and generous, rarely believed the good in people in their early encounters. He quickly typed a reply and clicked send.


Well, I would kill for any food right now, we've had lunch but guys will be guys

Nini was leaning against the counter, telling Emma about the movie she watched the night before when her phone pinged a message from Ricky. She pouted as she read the message he had sent; it was something she expected, knowing EJ's and Red's appetites. However, hearing it from her boyfriend made her heart ache a little. She wanted to bring him food but the weather was really terrible, and he wouldn't want to put her in any danger.


Aw, poor you. Let's hope the rain stops so you can drop by for some sandwiches and coffee.

They exchanged a few more texts before she told him she would text again after she was done with lunch. Ricky smiled sadly as he read her text; another one of Nate Roberts' things, he didn't like it when anyone used their phones at the dining table — something about how food brings people together and how we should have good conversations while eating. In the cafe, Nini was scrambling around the kitchen to get some ingredients to make sandwiches. The time it took to send those few texts was really the time that she managed to hold herself back from taking some food to the lifeguards who were stuck in the tower. Nate saw her grab a stack of sandwiches, a bunch of bananas, four bottles of coconut water, a tray of four coffees, a large umbrella, "Slow down, buttercup, you're seriously going out in this weather? Does Ricky know about this?"

"Please don't tell him, he doesn't know. I want to, please let me," Nini gave her signature pout and sad eyes, causing Nate to roll his eyes. "Just let your sister make her own decisions," Emma jabbed him in the ribs, and proceeded to joke, "Just know that we're not going to baby you or let you off work when you do fall sick." The brunette's jaw dropped at her sister-in-law's savage comment. They layered her in two layers of sweaters and helped her get into a poncho for extra protection, concern for her showing: they really didn't want Nini to get drenched and fall sick. Nate whispered over to Emma, telling her he would text Ricky so he was ready to receive her, not wanting to prolong the time that his sister would be in the rain. Ricky replied with a thumbs up and shocked face emoji and a question asking if Nate really allowed her to go, to which the Roberts replied, "She pouted."

A considerable amount of wading through puddles and climbing the stairs to the tower, Nini reached the door to the tower. She mentally crossed her fingers that they would hear her knock and raised her fist to make her presence known. Just as she was about to knock on the door, it swung wide out, a view of her curly-haired boyfriend greeting her. He pulled her in quickly, closing the door promptly, and wrapped her in a towel to dry off the poncho and her exposed legs. Red and the other lifeguard, Noah, greeted her with a 'Hey Nini', eyes lightened up when they saw the stash of food she was carrying.

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