fall ; 32

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Nini woke up first; there were babies on the beach and one of them was crying really loudly, Nini being sensitive to sounds was eventually woken up. Ricky was still conked out on the beach blanket; this was one of the first times that Nini had woken up before her boyfriend, the other times when he was working nights at the Shipwreck. She occupied herself by taking her phone out of his backpack; she turned on the camera to snap a few pictures of him against the beautiful scenery of the blue and white water and golden sand. She then took his phone out of the backpack and turned on the camera to take a few flattering shots of herself, proceeding to change up his lockscreen wallpaper again as a little birthday treat. There was nothing left to do so she just watched as he slept, resisting running her fingers through his hair or across his exposed back and arms. Just as she laid back down next to him, Ricky's eyes fluttered open, meeting hers, smiles growing on their faces.

"You're awake already?" His thumb stroked her cheek lovingly as he slowly regained some bearings after waking up. She shifted to straddle him, "Yea, the babies were really noisy." She pouted cutely, a glint in her eyes teasing, "It's been a while since then, and I've been wanting to kiss you the entire time." Her body pressed against his as their lips moved against each other, Nini running her hands up and down his toned arms, feeling the contours of his muscles. He flipped them over, grip on her waist strong, pulling her impossibly closer to him.

"Babe, you said there are babies here?" Ricky pulled away, her arms still defiantly around his neck, not wanting to separate from him. "You know we shouldn't do this if there are kids around right?" Nini was about to roll her eyes but she remembered it was just the lifeguard in him, the passionate man that cared about everyone on the beach, and let him have his way. "I hate you so much for saying that but at the same time, I love you for saying that." He raised an eyebrow in confusion, keeping quiet to let her explain. "I just wanna keep kissing you right now, I hate that you're making us stop. But this, this passion you have for ocean safety and making sure everyone is having the best time possible. I love seeing you do your job with such excellence, beyond what they demand of you." He couldn't help but lean in to kiss her again; it took everything in him to not pin her down on that beach blanket and kiss her endlessly. "Shall we go for a surf?"

They walked to Haena Beach Park to catch the waves there, not before keeping their belongings in the car. The sudden drop-off in the seafloor and absence of the reefs made for easy surge of the waves for a good surf. They paddled out to catch the waves, pointlessly competing to see who could get inside faster. To Ricky's surprise, his girlfriend's crazy competitiveness seemed to put turbos in her arms; she paddled the heck to the inside and caught the wave first. She rode the heck out of it as well, he watched as she cut through the white water, and snapped a crack over the lid of the wave. "Go Nina," He cheered her on as she surfed closer and closer to the shoreline, diving into the water as the wave broke. Ricky waved at her as she signalled for him to catch the next wave. He paddled on to the inside and stood up confidently, riding the wave and having the time of his life. She watched as he attempted a barrel, wishing that she could have recorded this moment on camera for him. He was no pro, and ended up falling over inside of the barrel, unable to emerge. Nini laughed when she saw his head pop out of the water, shaking like he was a dog trying to dry off. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw someone struggling in the deep water, she knew that Ricky had seen it too because he was cutting the water furiously to reach the person. Just before he could reach the struggling person, a jetski rode onto the water, the ocean safety lifeguards on Haena beach bringing the person back to shore. Turns out they had a cramp and the water was way too deep to reach the bottom. Nini met Ricky halfway, paddling to the boy who was catching his breath as he sat on his surfboard.

"That was really heroic of you," She kissed his shoulder when he pulled her close to him with a firm grip around her waist. "What are you talking about? I didn't even save the person," He shook his head, knowing he wasn't the hero. Nini pulled him closer to her and planted a kiss on his lips, before the sheer force she used toppled them over into the water. "Nina, you really wanted to kiss me that badly?" He teased as they both emerged from the water and got on their surfboards again. "But it's true, it was heroic enough that you even tried. Nothing is going to stop your passion for ocean safety, isn't it?" Ricky was lying on his surfboard and holding Nini's hand, he gave her a little squeeze, "You're right about one thing though, it's a job hazard and kind of like second nature when it comes to saving lives." She kissed the back of his hand, making a face at the taste of the salty seawater, "It's a good thing, Ricky, that you care about others. It's one of the things I love about you." He sat up to give her a hug, throwing the both of them off balance and into the water again. He muttered frustrated under his breath, "Seriously, we can't even have a moment," to which Nini threw her head back in laughter.

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