Authors Note

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Hello Readers!

I'm back, with another book. That's right. You read the title. This time it's going to be a Spy School High School AU. I am very excited for this book, and I hope you are too. Make sure to to read the description, if you haven't already.

I hope for this to be a long book. I don't know how many chapters yet, but I'm aiming for around 40 or so. Maybe more.

Just one thing before we start. 

Like my previous book, (which is in no way related to this one) the maturity rating on this story will be off. If you can read the actual Spy School series, you can definitely read this. But this is high school, so there will probably be some relationships developing. I won't include cursing, though. 

And as always, I don't own the characters. Stuart Gibbs does. I only own the plot.

Well, with that out of the way, I am very excited to see what forms out of this opportunity.

Cover Artist: Book_Girl_09

That's all I have to say, so bye!

- Cookie (My nickname, if you don't already know)

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