10. Imagine getting a 99 on a Math Test

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January 31, 2020

"Imagine getting a 99 on a Math Test."

Were the first words said by Mike after looking at Ben's test score

"It's not my fault. The last question was hard. How was I supposed to know the cos of a circle?! Trigonometry  is supposed to be used for triangles!! So it's not my fault," Ben said defensively.

"Mhm, suree. Ben, you've been able to do the cal-whatever the heck you were saying since 2nd grade," Mike said back. "So what's up. You were obviously distracted during the test. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much. I was just thinking about some other school homework," Ben said.

"Okay. Well, if you ever need any help, I'm right here. Except for math though. You'll be fine with math," Mike said reassuringly, looping his arm around Ben's neck.

"Thanks, Mike," Ben said, giving him a small smile, but that smile quickly turned into a glare. "You're not going to let me go until I tell what's wrong, are you."

"Nope. So better get talking. But how'd you know?" Mike asked.

"We've been walking in circles for the last 10 minutes," Ben replied.

"Whoops-" Mike said, adjusting their course to their destination, their homes. "Soo, what is so important that you missed a question on your test?"

"Uhhh....." Ben said something in a whisper, but Mike couldn't quite hear, so he leaned forward and screamed in Ben's ear, "louder please!"

Ben winced, and said the thing one more time, but louder. This time Mike heard him, and he let go of Ben, wheezing.

"Oh my god- seriously? And here I was thinking that you were depressed or something- oh my g-" Mike struggled to complete the sentence without doubling over.

A young couple passing by looked at them and wondering why one kid was looking like he was about to throw up while the other kid was resting his left hand on his temples like someone did when somebody didn't get something.

"Shut up Mike," Ben muttered, elbowing him in his stomach.

"Okay okay- I'll stop sorry, but like-" Mike was about to say something more, but Ben gave him a glare that Erica would have been proud of. :)

"Okay, I'm good now. I know who can help you," Mike said seriously this time.

"Who?" Ben asked.

"Joe," Mike said, smiling a bit.

"I'm not stupid don't you dare," Ben said.

"Ask who Joe is, Ben," Mike encouraged.

"How are we even friends?" Ben asked.

"I don't know. Ask Joe," Mike said seriously.

"Just tell me where we're going!" Ben exclaimed.

"Nope. I'll just take you there," Mike said, taking Ben's shoulders and steering him in a 90-degree turn and then pushing him forward. "I'll give you a hint. You know her."

Erica?? :D


"Hmm... I think I can help."

After arriving at her house, Ben and Mike had quickly filled her in on what was going on. They had said that Ben wanted to talk to someone about something important, but they weren't really about speaking terms. She thought for a second and then nodded.

"I can help. First of all. Mike. Get out," she said in an authorizing tone.

"WHAT? Why? I didn't even do-" Mike exclaimed, but Zoe (😭) cut him off.

"Too bad. This is personal. Leave." Zoe said once again. Mike sulked for a second and then walked out muttering something.

"So, Ben. If you want to ask Erica to Homecoming, then-" Zoe started, but Ben interrupted.

"Wait wait wait-hold up! Who said I wanted to ask Erica to Homecoming? And how did Erica even become a part of this discussion?" Ben asked.

"Well, that's why you came here, right?" Zoe asked, a bit confused.

"That irrelevant," Ben said.

"Okay, but my point has been proven. I can help you, don't worry. If you want to ask her out, then you just have to get on speaking terms," Zoe started explaining. Ben gave her a look that said, 'seriously!?'

"Let me reword that. In order to get on speaking terms, you should make speaking to her a normal thing. Today say one word to her, tomorrow say 2 words to her, the day after saying a sentence. You have 18 days before Homecoming, and if you do this for a week and a half you'll be back to having full conversations with her." Zoe said, smiling.

"Thanks, Zoe," Ben said.

"No problem. So just try that out for 10 days, and see what happens, okay?" Zoe asked.

"Thanks again Zoe," Ben said, getting up.

"No problem, seriously. Now. MIKE, you can come back inside now," Zoe said. Mike peeked his head through the crack in the door, and then slipped inside the room.

"And now you can leave," Zoe said plainly.

"AGAIN? WHY ME?" Mike started, but Zoe interrupted.

"Not just you. Ben too. I have homework to do, you know? That English Essay isn't going to do itself," Zoe said, pushing both the boys out of her house and shutting the doors in their faces. Ben and Mike stared in silence.

"Uh.... did we just get kicked out?" Ben asked.

"Yup. Never had that happen before," Mike said slowly. Ben started to turn around and walk away, but Mike stayed.

"You coming, Mike?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Just give me a minute," Mike said. Ben nodded and started to walk away. He walked about 100 paces before turning around and looking back. He saw Mike knocking on Zoe's door and Zoe opening. Mike looked like he was saying something, and then suddenly Zoe looked away, blushing a bit. She nodded, and Mike smiled. Then they both waved goodbye to each other and Mike ran to Ben.

"What was that about?" Ben asked when Mike fell in pace with him.

"Nothing important," Mike said.

"Mhm. Well, do you have a date yet for the dance?" Ben asked.

"Yes," Mike said.

"And if I asked you that 1 hour ago, would the answer still be yes?" Ben inquired.

"Doesn't matter," Mike said.

"And, there's my answer," Ben said.

"I've got my date, but you don't have yours yet. Erica's right there. Good luck," Mike said, slowing down so Ben walked ahead of him. And as Erica got within talking distance, Ben did it.

"Hi," he said awkwardly.

"Hi," she said, nodding but not turning for anything else. Ben watching her walk away.

"Remember, this is only day one. You got this!" Mike reassured.

"Yeah. I got this. Let's do this."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

- Cookie

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