02. School be like:

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After Ben saw that Erica was the girl from the morning, the did the only logical thing possible. He grabbed Mike by his arm and grabbed him outside.

"Dude, class starts in 2 minutes," Mike said.

"Then I'll make it quick. This morning, right before you came, I bumped into this girl. I tried to apologize, but she just got up, ignored me, and walked right past me," Ben explained quickly.

"But how does this have anything to do with dragging me out here?" Mike asked, confused.

"Well, the person I bumped into this morning...was Erica.... and I kind of...have a crush on her?" Ben finished awkwardly.

"Okay. So that's what it is," Mike said, finally understanding. Ben nodded.

"Well, I can only tell you one thing. Just be yourself," Mike said, before walking back into the classroom. Ben sighed, but still followed Mike into the classroom. When he did, he got his first good look at Erica. She had raven black hair, and her eyes were still the same ice blue. She looked kind of like a model. Ben slowly walked up and took his seat. The bell rang a few minutes later. Their homeroom teacher walked in. She looked quite young. Around 25.

"Good morning class. I am Ms. Shang, and I will be your Homeroom teacher. You can just call me Jessica," Jessica said. The class looked surprised. This was probably the first time a teacher let the class call them by their first name.

"Now, while throughout your years of high school, you may not have to same classes, I can assure you that you will interact with people outside your classes. So you should get to know one another better. First, introduce yourselves to your tables. You have one minute," Ms. Shang said, setting a timer. Then the was filled with chatter. Ben saw people shaking hands, talking, and smiling. Then he looked back at his own table. Ben already knew Mike and Zoe, so he didn't have to introduce himself. Once again, he was so deep in thought he didn't notice Mike waving his hand in front of his face. Ben looked up. Mike pointed to Ben, then towards Erica. Ben looked confused for a second, then nodded, signaling he understood.

"Hi, I'm Ben," he said to Erica, extending his hand. Erica showed no reaction.

"Nice to meet you," Ben tried one more time. Erica continued acting like he was invisible. She was reading War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy. She plugged her earphones in, indicating she wanted to be left alone.

"Well that failed," Ben said, talking to Mike. Mike nodded.

"Okay, class. Please quiet down. When I call your name, please stand up and tell us your name, and a few things you like and dislike," Ms. Shang said. The class immediately turned silent.

"Thank you. Now the first one," Ms. Shang said, and for the next 10 minutes, the class took turn sharing. Until...

"Back table, it's your turn," Ms. Shang said, referring to our table. I went first.

"My name is Ben, I like to play sports and do the math, I don't really dislike anything," Ben said. Then he sat down, and Mike and Zoe went. Then it was Erica's turn. She stood up, and start talking.

"My name is Erica, I like nothing, and I dislike people," she said quickly. Then she sat back down again. Ben raised an eyebrow.

Dislike people? How is that even possible?

At that moment, the bell rang. They all got out of our seats and headed for our next class. Erica was the first one out. Ben decided to talk to her. Ben followed her as she left the class.

"Hey Erica," Ben said, waving his hand in front of her face. She continued to stare. Then Ben tapped her on the shoulder. Apparently, that was the wrong decision, because Erica wrapped Ben's hand around hers, and judo flipped him into the lockers. Ben hit his head on one of them. Ms. Shang came out.

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