05. 5 minutes of Erica being Erica

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For future references, updates will be a bit slow, because I'm probably going to be alternating updates between this and my original book, The Four Mages.

Once again, the day flew by. Ben vaguely remembered doing Advanced Calculus in Math, A deeper look into the Aztec Culture in History, and running track in PE. When the final bell rang, indicating the end of school, Ben grabbed his backpack and sprinted to the Science Lab. When he finally arrived, Erica was already waiting there.

"You're late," Erica said. Ben started to say that it had only been a few minutes since the bell rang, but he didn't want to start an argument, so he didn't.

"We're in the same class, so you should have been here at the same time as me," Erica said, then she turned on her heel and walked inside the lab. Ben sighed and followed her. Ben was surprised, to say the last. The Lab was filled with materials. There were mountains and mountains of materials, all piled up on the rows of tables. There were materials on window sills, in cabinets, you name it. It was like a material tree. Ben walked over to Erica. She had made a list of the materials they would need.

"Why do you need moldable plastic?" Ben asked Erica. She glared at him.

"If I tell you why then other people will copy our ideas. Just get the items I wrote down," Erica said. Ben looked around. It was true. Lots of people were heading for the supplies needed for a volcano, and they all seemed to be listening.

"Ok," Ben said. He wordlessly went from aisle to aisle, picking up the necessary materials. After 10 minutes, they had everything they would need. They exited the Science Lab. As the walked, they passed Mike and Zoe. Ben had told Mike during PE that he wouldn't be able to walk home with them today, and by now Mike had probably told Zoe. Mike waved to Ben. Ben waved back nervously. Then he looked forward and continued walked.

Ben was pretty nervous. After all, how often do you get to visit your crush's house?

He glanced at Erica. She was carrying pieces of cardboard in her hands, with lots of objects stacked on top. At the top, there were 4 bottles of food coloring, red, orange, brown, and green. Apparently, they would use that for something. They continued walking. At one point, some of the red food colorings spit out, splattering a bit onto Erica's hair. She continued walking forward as if nothing happened.

"Um...Erica? There's some red food coloring-" Ben said.

"I'm well aware of that. But I'm carrying all this stuff, and even if I wasn't, it's not like I can wash my hair here, can I?" Erica said. Ben recoiled. But he still stared at Erica. Even with the red food coloring in her hair, she looked gorgeous.

Hey, but yet again, she would be able to look gorgeous in a potato sack.

Then Ben looked away, and they finished the remainder of their walk in silence. Erica stopped as they arrived in front of what Ben assumed to be their house. It was a 2-story house, with tan paint covering the outside. Erica walked up to the front door, and Ben followed her. She put her stuff down, then took out a key from her pocket and inserted it in the keyhole. It clicked, and the door swung open. She then picked up her stuff and walked through. Ben followed behind. The inside was impressive. There was a high ceiling, with a glass chandelier at the top. On the walls, were lots of pictures. Ben stopped to look around.

"Come on," Erica said. She was already at the bottom of the stairs. Ben hurried after her. As the walked up the stairs, Ben got a better look at the pictures on the wall. They were all of Erica. Some were her when she was little, and some were more recent pictures. Some she was alone, some she was with a woman that Ben assumed to be her mom. But there were no pictures with a guy that could have been her dad...

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