11. Homecoming (Part 1)

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February 18th, 2021


"Coming," Ben shouted from his room, hopping out of his desk chair and racing downstairs. His legs made a noise as they hit each stair and when he reached the 6th bottom, he jumped off, extending his arm and swinging around the staircase pole. He reached the doorbell and without checking who it was, swung it open.

"Sup," Mike said. He was holding a large paper bag in his hand, which Ben knew was filled with different suits.

"Hey," Ben said, stepping to the side and allowing Mike in. They both went upstairs to Ben's room. Mike put his stuff down on Ben's bed, while Ben hurriedly swept aside his homework and shoved them in his binder.

"Sooo, I was thinking either this dark brown suit, or this like navy blue one. What do you think?" Mike asked, displaying both suits on the bed.

"Hmm... try the blue one on," Ben said. Mike quickly put the suit on, and then turn to Ben so he could see.

"Put this tie on," Ben said, tossing a brown tie to Mike. And so they went through different ties, and then blazers, and then pants, and then finally socks and shoes.  Ben had rented all of these form a Clothing Store nearby. At last, Mike's suit was ready. And then it was Mike's turn, helping Ben find a suit that matched him.

Mike's Suit:

Mike's Suit:

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Ben's Suit:

"So, how does it look?" Ben said, just finally managing to tie the tie

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"So, how does it look?" Ben said, just finally managing to tie the tie.

"Like you're in Slytherin," Mike replied, smiling.

"No no no not happening," Ben said, starting to take it off. Mike laughed. 

"I'm joking, it looks fine. Brings out your eyes," Mike complimented.

"Sureee," Ben said, but he put the suit back on anyways.

"It's 5 pm; we have 30 minutes to do whatevs before we have to go. What do you want to do?" Ben asked casually.

"Hm.... Truth or Dare," Mike said, his brain turning on.

"Oh no," Ben said, groaning.

"Too bad. Truth or Dare?" Mike said, sitting down against the headboard of the bed.

"Phhhh... truth," Ben decided.

"What'd Erica say to you asking her out?" Mike asked. Ben looked at him. Seriously?

"That's what you wanted to ask? Fine. Um... she said if I feel like it," Ben said, turning away.

"Yup... that sounds like Erica," Mike said, sighing. "So what happens if she doesn't feel like it?"

"Um... I guess... I just sit in the corner?" Ben said, giving an awkward laugh.

"Wow. Uh.... I hope she.... feels like it??" Mike said slowly. Ben sighed.

"Yeah,"  Ben said. "Me too."


The rest of Truth and Dare was uneventful; relatively. Ben had get down on his knee and ask some random girls walking on the street to marry him with a breath mint as an engagement ring, Mike had to dump water from the roof onto a neighbor who was mowing the lawn (poor neighbor), and Ben had to prank call Jay, pretending it was McDonald's.

"Wow," Ben said, hanging up the phone. "He did not take that well."

"No kidding," Mike said, glancing at his watch. "I'm going to go pick up Zoe now. Good luck!"

"Bye," Ben said, hurriedly putting his tie on and calling an Uber. A few minutes, some collar adjustments, and some coat arranging later, the Uber arrived. It was a brown Subaru Ascent, a 5 seater SUV. Ben had seen it advertised on TV with "shatter-resistant windows," which are better known as bullet-proof windows. Ben opened the back door and stepped in, sliding to the seat farthest to the right.

"Hello! Before we start your profile say you're are underaged, so I'm required to check your guardian approval notice to make sure it's valid. May I please see it?" a female voice with a gentle British accent came from the driver's seat. Ben showed the documents on his phones, confirming that he was underage and allowed to be traveling without guardian supervision.

"Briliant! Then off we go," the lady said, moving into the drive gear and holding the accelerator. The first portion of the ride was silent, until the driver decided to make talk.

"Your destination is Nixon High School, yes?" the lady asked.

"Yes ma'am," Ben replied, ever the gentleman. The lady chuckled.

"Then you might have met my daughter? She also goes to Nixon. Her name is Erica," Catherine, the driver, said, stopping for a red light. Ben froze. How was he going to reply to this? He decided to play it cool.

"Yeah we've met Erica before. Out of curiosity, is she going to the Homecoming?" Ben asked.

"Why yes. I had just came back from my job and dropped her off when I get your drivers request," Catherine informed. Ben realized something.

"Wait, so this isn't your full-time job?" he asked. His face turned red. "Sorry, that was rude."

Catherine laughed. "No, it's okay. I worked at Medical Insurance down on 6th Street," she informed. Ben nodded, and that officially ended the conversation. The rest of the ride was silent.

Catherine dropped the boys off at the front gate. 

"Thank you Ms. Hale!" Ben said. 

"You're welcome!" she exclaimed, as she reversed and left.

You ready for this? Ben thought to himself, standing in front of the entrance to the school. He took a deep breath. "Yeah. I'm ready."


The first thing Ben heard when he entered the Gym Room was "Party Rock by LMFAO". 

Okay. So we're starting with the vibes.

After dancing and maybe a little bit of singing (although Ben would never admit to it), Ben went to go find Erica. 

He had just finished looking around the dance floor, where Mike, Zoe, and a few other dates were dancing when something happened, that took his break away.

He saw her.


With another guy.

 Ayo hii it's that dude who never updates :)

Updates more frequently?????



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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