06. Basketball Tryouts

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September 14, 2019

Ben woke up early the next day. He grabbed his basketball and practiced in his backyard for a bit, running through drills he knew would be used during tryouts. Half an hour later, Ben, who was sweating, went back upstairs to get ready for school. He left the house at 7:30. 

Ben made it through the day, enduring his daily dose of classes and getting his head hit against the lockers by Erica. But there was one thing that day he didn't tolerate, and that was lunch with Ashley Sparks, Joshua's girlfriend. Ashley was the popular girl at school. She and posse were always gossiping and spreading rumors about people who didn't let her cut in front of them in line, or people they just didn't like in general. Unfortunately, Erica was filed under both.

Ben, Zoe, and Mike were eating their lunches at their usual table, which was located on the right side of the cafeteria. Ben was taking a bite of his sandwich when Zoe spoke.

"This cannot be good," Zoe said, setting her food down.

"What?" Mike asked. Zoe nodded her head in the direction of the other side of the cafeteria. Ben looked around. Ashley and her posse, instead of heading towards their usual table next to Joshua and his group, were heading in the direction of the one table with only one person on it. Erica.

"Move it. You're in my seat," Ashley demanded. Normally the person would have just given up the seat, but that wasn't the kind of person Erica was. She glared at Ashley.

"I must be sitting on your name, because i can't see it anywhere," Erica shot back. At that, people's ears perked up. It wasn't everyday somebody stood up to Ashley. They all kept their heads down and focused on their food, but they were listening. Ashley leaned in closer to Erica and whispered in her ear, so only she could hear.

"I have a lot of power in this school. More than you know. I can ruin your social life in a heartbeat," she said. Erica shrugged.

"If you can't already tell, I don't have a social life. So go back and sit with your little boyfriend." Erica spat the last word with disgust.

"Excuse me? You only say that because-" Ashley started raising her voice, but stopped when Ms. Brooke came in through the door.

"Do we have a problem here?" Ms. Brooke asked, speaking in a voice that made it clear they better not have a problem.

"No, we don't," Ashley said in a sing-song voice.

"Good. Then please take your seat," Ms. Brooke said, before turning around and walking out of the cafeteria. Ashley glared at Erica. Then she turned around and walked away. One thing was clear. If Erica wasn't Ashley's enemy before, she definitely was now.

"Well..that was heated." Mike finally broke the silence.

"It was definitely something," Ben said.

"They hate each other," Zoe said as a fact.

"Hate is a bit strong-" Ben said, but he hesitated.

"If I had to choose a reason they hate each other, it's probably because of Joshua," Zoe continued.

And for the second time that week, Ben choked on air.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Mike asked, suddenly interested.

"Well Ashley is Joshua's girlfriend. So Erica probably liked Joshua but he picked Ashley over her," Zoe explained.

"But Erica hates JOshua. You see the looks she gives him," Ben said.

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