You see them cry (girls)

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- Astrid doesn't exactly cry often, but it's not rare for her to do so either
- Most of the time it's because she's been overthinking things
- This particular time it's because of guilt
- She comes and finds you, already in tears, and you immediately know it's because she's been thinking about what she did to Little Pete
- "I just - I just dropped him. Just like that. Killed him. I'm a murderer, Y/N. A murderer. How can I live with that on my conscience?"
- Most of the time there's nothing you can say to counter what she's saying
- You just listen to her ramble about how awful she feels
- Eventually she'll get worn out and sleepy
- "Would a hug make you feel better?"
- You two just hold each other for a long time.
- Being in your arms makes Astrid feel safe, which is really all anyone wants to feel in the FAYZ

- Dekka is, almost always, void of emotion
- The two of you are very close, but you've only ever seen her cry once
- You were living on the same houseboat, and one night you heard sobs coming from Dekka's bed
-  Noiselessly, you made your way over to her and sat down on the edge of her bed
- Her face was buried in her pillow and she was lying on her stomach
- "Dekka?"
- The sobbing stopped for a few seconds
- Gently, you placed a hand on her arm
- "Are you ok? I'm right here if you need to talk about it..."
- She hesitated before reluctantly sitting up
- "It's those stupid bugs. I can't forget the feeling of them underneath my skin, crawling their way out... I keep having nightmares about it."
- You say nothing for a few seconds, and she looks at you expectantly, waiting for a response
- You just slide into bed with her and put your arm around her
- "Sorry, I hate that I'm letting you see me like this. I'll pull it together."
- "Don't ever be sorry for having feelings, Dekka. It's what makes you human. I won't think you're any less tough. If anything, in my book you're even stronger now."

- Like Dekka, Diana isn't much of a crier
- She doesn't like being seen as weak
-  One evening, you go to get some nutella from the cupboard and out of the corner of your eye you see Diana slumped over in one of the seats
- "Hey Diana, I was going to ask y- oh."
- You stand still for a little while, unsure of what to do
- Hesitantly, you go to sit next to her
- "What do you want? Come to ridicule me like everyone else? To tell me I'm going to rot in hell? Well guess what, I'm fully aware already."
- You're startled by her snapping at you
- You know this is what Diana was like when she was part of Caine's group, but since coming to the lake she's been relatively quiet until now
- "I- what's going on? I literally have no idea what you're talking about. Tell me why you're so upset and maybe I can help," you tell her comfortingly, pulling her head into your lap and running your fingers through her hair
- "I ate Panda. Go ahead, judge me. Maybe it will help me to accept the fact that I'm a cannibal."
- You're startled, but quickly recover from the shock and twist a strand of her hair around your finger
- "It's okay. You guys were starving and desperate. Believe me, we all know what that was like. You can't change it now, so don't beat yourself up about it."
- Diana doesn't say anything else
- She just nods slowly and closes her eyes, able to relax a little

- Lana hates when you see her cry
- It's for the good of both of you, because you hate seeing her upset and she hates exposing herself like that
- It goes without saying that Lana is incredibly tough, but it's hard for her not to get emotional about what she's been through
- Normally she manages it by getting angry instead of sad, but every once she fails to control her tears and they just come spilling out
- When you do see her cry, you offer no words of comfort because you know that nothing you can say will make her forget the horrors of the gaiaphage
- All you can do is hold her and let her know that everything will be alright
- When the crying eases you wipe her tears away with your thumbs
- She doesn't smile or say anything, but you know she is grateful for you being there
- Knowing that you're there for her means a lot to her

𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now