They see you cry (girls)

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- When you cry in front of Astrid she's very attentive
- "Oh my god, Y/N! Is everything ok? What happened?"
- You always talk it out with her because you know she'll know what to do about it
- As you're explaining she'll ask lots of questions
- She wants to make sure she understands completely so she can properly help
- As you're talking she's contemplating what the best thing to do would be
- If you're upset about something trivial, she's always the voice of reason because of how rational she is
- She's very caring and will take care of you properly

- Dekka will listen silently
- She's super protective over you, so if anyone makes you cry they'll have hell to pay
- She doesn't say much to you, because she feels like if she does she'll start choking up too
- She hates seeing you upset
- Seriously, it hurts her so much
- Especially if there's nothing she can do to help
- Obviously she'll try her best to make everything better
- She doesn't exactly have a way with words, but she'll say just enough to let you know that she's there for you

- Whenever you cry in front of her, Diana gets pretty uncomfortable
- She's not that great about being intimate about emotions
- If she can, she'll try and get you to pull it together instead of waiting it out
- "You can't let this get to you! What happened to the Y/N I know? You're so much stronger than this."
- She doesn't really touch you other than maybe holding your hand
- Afterwards, she'll try and take your mind of it if you know what I mean...

- Lana is always pretty unfazed
- If she can handle a pack of vicious coyotes, she can deal with a distressed girlfriend
- She won't touch you or talk to you while you're crying, but she'll bring you tissues and try to dry your eyes
- When you're done, she'll take you out of your room at Clifftop and down to the beach so you can get some fresh air
- The two of you will play with Patrick by the sea
- Patrick, of course, is happy to help because he adores you
- The two of them definitely cheer you up and you end up completely forgetting what you were upset about in the first place
- Lana won't admit it, but she loves seeing you smile and is super proud of herself knowing she's the reason why

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