12 | ultimate breaking point

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jeongguk was losing his fucking mind.

he hasn't had any food in almost two days, only having access to the water tap in the bathroom connected to his room.

he was starving, angry, livid, but most of all–

–he was scared.

his heart thumped wildly against his chest as he felt warm and tight around his entire body, a heavy weight on his shoulders and he found it hard to breathe.

he was just sitting huddled up against the door, trying to lift his chest up and down as he gasped out for air, already having suffered several panic attacks in a row had left some long-lasting effects.

it wasn't until his breathing slowed down and his eyelids dropped when he felt the door slightly open, but he was too exhausted to move.

gently, two strong arms lifted him up bridal style into a warm chest. and out of instinct jeongguk snuggled closer to the warmth.

a feeling of relief and safety washing down on him as taehyung finally carried him out of that room.


jeongguk's father is an abusive prick.

he loses control of his temper, and lashes out his anger onto his son. it doesn't help that jeongguk was quite stubborn himself and reguarly causes trouble.

so the end result are a lot of beatings for the teen.

it was bad. ending in broken bones, large blue and purple bruises, chipped teeth, scarred skin and black eyes along with a busted lip.

his mother feared that one day she would walk home to find her son dead.

so, being the kind and loving mother she was, locked jeongguk in his closet whenever he refused to listen to her.

the first time was when he was eight years old.

he had thrown a fit about doing his homework, and the next thing he knows, his small frame is squished between the narrow space. the air quickly getting hot and heavy. he's hungry and thirsy and sweating yet no matter how much he screams and cries, no one lets him out.

he hated the closet.

he was shoved in there countless number of times. sometimes even got foregotten about and suffered alone for two whole days until one of the maids found him passed out inside. it was used as some sick type of discipline tool that just ruined the poor boy.

eventually, he grew out of the closet, no longer being able to fit in there, but he would never grow from the trauma the space had caused.

however the method didn't work. jeongguk was still a reckless child who refused to obey any orders. he was still beaten up and now he was also traumatized.

his mother gave up. if her son so badly wants to be hit by his father, then who is she to stop him? at least she tried.

but god, what parent in their right mind thinks that locking up their child in a confined space for hours is going to get them to behave?

she was so stupid. so blind.

jeongguk didn't always cause a fuss because he wanted to. he didn't constantly rebel because he thought it was fun.

the poor boy just wanted some attention. and he only ever seemed to get it whenever one of his parents were yelling at him.

his mother didn't have to throw him inside some tiny closet to calm him down. all she needed to do, was spend some time with her son, and tell him that she loved him.

but alas, the damage has been done.

although jeongguk could have grown up to be a smart, caring, and warm-hearted soul–

–they ruined him.

and now all that was left was a heartless shell, who's only ever known pain.

and maybe, just maybe, taehyung was going to take advantage of that.


"i'm sorry." jeongguk whispered, hands clutching around his hot chocolate and his body wrapped in soft blankets, huddled on the couch. his eyes stuck on the floor beneath him, while he nervously chewed on his lower lip. "f-for calling that cop a... fag."

taehyung sat on the armchair across from him, legs spread and arms on either side of him, one bent so that his index finger rubbed against his bottom lip.

"hmm." he hummed in response, carefulling observing the younger.

taehyung was correct. breaking jeongguk into a deranged mental state and then giving him care made the young boy a little... softer.

probably because he wasn't used to that. he was used to being left alone to deal with his own problems himself, and not someone else taking care of him.

the clock ticks by as silence enveloped the two.

jeongguk squirmed uncomfortably, eyes darting around everywhere except up to meet taehyung's penetrating gaze.

finally, the older spoke.

"i think you need to be taught a lesson, cupcake." taehyung says. jeongguk's orbs widen and the flew up so the two made eye contact. "don't you?"

jeongguk shifted around on the couch.

did he? well... he did call someone a very offensive term. and if someone else called jeongguk that then he would lose his shit.

it was very hypocritical of him to do, especially since he was still in the closet himself.

maybe... maybe taehyung was right.

with a thick gulp, the teen gives a short nod.

taehyung's whole face brightens and his eyes sparkle with something... mischievous. it was slowly making jeongguk regret his descision.

"b-but how?" the boy asks, clutching harder onto the piping hot mug as it burns against his palm.

taehyung slowly raises himself from the armchair, and strode over to the other with his long legs taking powerful strides.

the older stops in front of jeongguk, reaching out and lifts the younger's chin with the soft nudge of his slim fingers. taehyung moves jeongguk's head to the left and then to the right, examining his features.

jeongguk's heart was pounding.

taehyung's stare was so nerve-racking.

"hmm," the taller then traces his thumb over jeongguk's thick lower lip, feeling how the skin was a little chapped and split open.

jeongguk's breath hitched.

"with a good old fashioned spanking, of course."

end of 12

damn i just be spitting out updates left and right

yeah so now i'm taking a mini break, bye lol

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