11 | two different phobias

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a slender hand wrapped around the glass as the contents inside jumped along with the loud beat of the blaring music.

taehyung swirled the alcohol around, eyes boring holes into the glass as he was uninterested in everything else in the world.

the bottom of his stomach was already burning with the sensation of intoxication, but he was relatively unaffected.

he was used to it, after all. he had been ingesting the liquid even before he was born. courtesy to this lovely mother.

"hey tae." a familiar sugar-coated voice was heard, and taehyung could immediately tell who it was. without turning to look at who had arrived, taehyung settled down his glass on the wooden smooth surface of the bar.

"jimin," he says. "do you have the file?"

the young cop off-duty smirked and pulled out a few papers that were encased in some plastic.

"you have no idea what i had to do to get a hold of these." jimin mentions while sliding the papers over the bar to his friend. "you owe me."

taehyung nodded while picking up the flimsy thing, the edge of his lips curving up into his signature smirk when spotting the photo of jeongguk on the corner of the front page.

the teen had a busted lip, smokey skin, a blossoming bruise on his cheek and dark sunken dead eyes, holding onto a placard with his name and other info for the mugshot.

anyone would've said that the teen looked horrible. but taehyung was special. jeongguk still looked beautiful all beaten and bruised up.

quickly flipping through the pages, taehyung's eyes flicker across some of the information when something catches his eye.

"abuse?" he questions with a raised brow, looking directly at the cop beside him.

jimin had his own drink in his hand and swept a hand through his soft strands, the hair fluffing up as it was pulled backwards.

"mhm, it's not been reported. just an observation of mine." he hummed, taking a little sip of the cocktail he had ordered.

"care to elaborate?" taehyung pushes further, looking at more detail at what jimin had written.

father has a tendency to use physical violence against his son.

"after their visit at the station, the guy punched little gguk right square in the face." the officer just shrugged, meanwhile taehyung slowly licked his bottom lip as he processed the new information.

that explained a lot.

why jeongguk wasn't as easily afraid of him. why jeongguk was a little messed up in the head. why jeongguk constantly rebelled and why he absolutely despised being controlled.

"so how's it going with the kid? has he got potential for being... y'know... the end to your little hunt?" jimin asks, making taehyung turn his attention away from the paper to look at him.

"don't know about that. he's a pain in the ass though, that's for sure." taehyung grunts, collecting the papers and sliding them back into the plastic wrapping. "thanks for this chim, if you need anyone dead you know who to call." taehyung stood up and left a little tip for the bartender before patting jimin on the shoulder as he was about to leave.

"actually about that," jimin stops him, making taehyung turn back around. "there is something..."

the edge of taehyung's mouth twitched.



jeongguk has claustrophobia.

taehyung figured that out when it was what triggered jeongguk to go into psycho overload. being trapped in a room with no other exits makes the younger feel like the walls were enclosing on him and he'd slowly lose his mind.

taehyung wonders why.

he stands outside of the door to jeongguk's bedroom. hands tucked into his front pockets while his head is tilted to the side, with a blank face.


listening as jeongguk banged, kicked, rammed, hollered, cried, screamed.

the teen was going beserk.

he had been locked in his room for hours, and not only that but taehyung had made it so no light would come in either. he had been trapped in darkness for hours, not knowing where the walls were and the emptiness surrounding felt like he was being encaged and compressed.

the door rattled, jeongguk's desperate cries and choked sobs as he helplessly pulled at the doorknob. 

he had heard taehyung coming in, and he just wanted the older to let him out. to let him breathe.

taehyung was being mean. wait no–scratch that–he was being downright evil.

and he knew that.

but jeongguk was his student. and he was his teacher.

and jeongguk had to learn.

"see jeongguk, this is what happens..." taehyung's smile is disgustingly tilted into a satisfied smirk. "...when you call my best friend a fag."

end of 11

don't be homophobic. it aint cute. its gross.

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