19 | as the lines blur together

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jeongguk didn't know where they were going.

taehyung had woken him at at the crack of dawn and practically dragged him out of bed. they were both clothed in black from head to toe, and taehyung had a rather large bag of some sort slung over his shoulder.

after yesterday, jeongguk has decided to keep his mouth shut. he was lucky that taehyung had calmed down so quickly and hadn't gone further. he also wanted to be good for the older, he didn't want to be annoying and disturbing. he wanted taehyung to think... good of him.

he wanted to be good for him.

they were walking up the stairs of some sort of old building, everything deadly quiet as everyone was still presumably sleeping. jeongguk silently followed the other male, fiddling with his fingers as a small flicker of fear ignited in his chest, scared of what taehyung could be leading him to.

he could run... but he doesn't want to.

he wants to stay.

they reached a door to an apartment and, for some reason, taehyung had the keys to unlock and open it. jeongguk carefully walked inside and had a look around, the place was empty. good. that meant it was uninhabited.

taehyung closed the door behind them and walked over to a window. the teen curiously followed behind, arms tucked behind his back.

jeongguk's eyes blow up wide when he see's taehyung pull out a large sniper gun from the bag, picking up the pieces and setting it up right in front of the window.

"taehyung what–" he asks, completely in shock.

"I'm older than you, darling. show respect." taehyung says without looking at the younger, still fixing the gun by tightening the accessory rail. 

jeongguk swallowed and tried again.

"h-hyung, what-what are you doing?" 

with a loud clack taehyung shoves the stock of the gun closed. eyes finally casting a glance at the awkward-looking teen.

"come here, cupcake." the older's dark tone commands and holds out a hand. jeongguk doesn't even hesitate to take it, his smaller hand being engulfed by taehyung's much stronger grip.

the younger gets pulled down next to the older, practically sitting in his lap as his cheeks set ablaze with a little embarrassed red hue. 

taehyung ignored his flustered state as his large arms came around the smaller boy's frame, his hands fumbling and holding onto the deadly weapon. his hot breath right next to jeongguk's ear, chest firmly pressed against the younger's back.

their proximity was driving jeongguk insane.

"give me your hands." the way taehyung's baritone voice rumbled in jeongguk's ear shot shivers down his spine, small pale hand coming up to be guided by the other's. taehyung places his hands on the gun.

"this... do you know what it is?" he asks.

jeongguk's mind is getting clouded, all he can focus on is the male behind him emitting such power.

"th-the trigger..." the teen whispered, dreading that taehyung could feel how his hands were shaking. 

"that's right." taehyung smirks, seeing how affected the boy was in his hold. then the older pressed down on jeongguk's finger, and the teen almost yelped in shock as he thought the gun was going to go off.

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