23 | don't push your luck

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never in his eighteen-years-of life, has jeongguk ever felt so humiliated.

his cheeks burned and his gaze was stuck onto the plain white wall to his side, shame coiling around his gut as he felt completely helpless in the siutation.

wrist were cuffed with a soft silk and then tied to either sides of the headboard, spreading jeongguk's bare chest out like an open buffet.

his neck was strained, upper part of his body was forced to stay up in the air due to the short length of whatever material clung around his wrist.

the boy had already spent a generous amount tugging on the silk, but to no avail.

the only thing sparing him any sort of dignity was that his bottom half was still covered in a pair of black boxers that hugged his meaty thighs...

...and his arousal.

fuck, this was so humiliating.

lying here, like this, and getting hard.

jeongguk wanted to crawl into a hole and die as the older stood at the foot of the bed, back arching and arms wrapped around his stomach as dark mocking calls of laughter spilled from his lips.

taehyung was laughing at him.

this was so so humiliating!

jeongguk tried hiding his face behind his suspended arm, he didn't want to look at the older. god, he couldn't even cover his ears!

every time he tried crawling his legs closer to him to hide his bulge, the older simply grabbed his ankles and jerked them back down so that he lay flat on his back.

"you-you–haha!" taehyung had been struggling to speak for quite a few minutes now, a new sprout of laughter overcoming him every time he tried to do so. "i-i can't-t believe you–bahahaahah!"

jeongguk wanted to die.

for fuck's sake! since when did he have an humiliation kink?!

but at the same time, how could he keep his little friend down when taehyung was hovering over him, ghosting his finger over his burning skin, and staring down at him with that dark gaze and that teasing smirk.

taehyung changes mood real fast. he went from scary, and looking like he's about to kill, to looking like he wants to gobble jeongguk right up. devour him whole.

he was a wild card.

"awhh, little baby is enjoying this?" jeongguk snapped out from his thoughts and saw that taehyung had officially recovered from his little laughing fit. "hmm? well too bad, cupcake. this is punishment. you're not supposed to enjoy this."

jeongguk gulped when taehyung placed a knee in between his legs, his tall figure coming in between him, forcing him to spread himself out more.

the teen looked up from his compromising position, big doe eyes wide with the irises trembling in intimidation. 

taehyung then hovered down, placing one of his big palms right next to jeongguk's head, almost making them bump lips together.

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