25 | all downhill from here

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jeongguk grumbled heavily under his breath as he stalked through the hated hallways of his fucking highschool.

taehyung had let him stay home the day before to compensate for going so hard during the punishment (which was meant to be much much harder) but forced the younger to attend today.

jeongguk didn't want to be here. he wanted to be out with taehyung, getting rid of all the nasty people in the world. he wanted to be close to his hyung, loving the rush of a kill and how he'd find himself pumping with need for taehyung's hands on him. loving how taehyung would be equally as desperate to touch him.

but no, of course, jeongguk just had to go to school instead.

this sucks.

"hey! jeon!" 

of course. as if this day couldn't get any worse.

jeongguk reluctantly turned around to come face-to-face with travis.

"hey man, haven't seen ya since sunghyung... y'know." the ravenette simply just hummed, wanting this conversation or whatever to be over and done with. "c'mon dude! you don't think I i actually did it... right?"

no you dumb fuck because i'm the one who killed him.

"how'd you get out?" jeongguk decides to ask, in fact, he didn't even know that travis was released from custody. why?

travis shrugged.

"security footage provided evidence that i wasn't with sunghyung during the time of his death. proved my innocence and i was released."

hold up... if travis wasn't the one being held accountable for sunghyung's murder... then who was?

"which brings me to my next point..." travis drawls on, an arm slung over jeongguk's shoulders. "...i remember travis following you off to that clearing where he was found dead."

jeongguk froze.

"but you were wayyyyy too fucked out to have done anything..." travis has some sort of shit-eating grin on his face and it was starting to tick jeongguk off. "...right?"

"dunno. don't remember shit." jeongguk shook the guy off of his shoulders before trudging ahead, not liking where this conversation was going.

"i know about kim taehyung!" travis suddenly shouts behind him, making the other freeze in his steps. "that tall guy who showed up here a few times? yeah him. you're signed under him... are'cha?"

...what? how?

"my brother was once one of his students, knew that he seemed familiar." the teenager chuckled to himself, which soon erupted into uncontrollable laughter. meanwhile jeongguk's eye twitched as he slowly curled his fingers into his palm to form strong fists. "fuckin' hell jeon! ya got ya'self a fuckin' babysitter? priceless!" 

this guy seriously needs to learn how to shut up.

"shit! just wait until everyone else knows! fuckin' hilarious!" 

jeongguk took a deep breath, then continued down the hall.

fingernails boring into his skin, until blood trickled out from his palm, as travis' laughs echoed down the hall.

that motherfucker was so dead.

travis triumphantly grinned to himself, digging through his pack of cigs as he pulled one of the cancer sticks out. he couldn't believe that not only did jeon jeongguk kill sunghyung, but he was also being trained under kim taehyung.

this was some serious blackmail he could have over him.

free weed for months baby!

or just the pure satisfaction of watching jeongguk being hauled away in a police car, and seeing the priceless look of shock on taehyung's face as he had failed in one of his sick little missions.

travis has yet to decide what he wants to do.

he pushed the door to the rooftop open, tumbling out as he pulled his lighter close to the end of the cig perched between his lips, he furrowed his brows and tried blocking the wind as the flame flickered.

"fuck, shit." the teen grunted, trying several times to get the damn thing to work.

and just at that moment, as his thumb came down to get the lighter to come to life, travis felt a cold substance shower over him.

it all happened so fast.

suddenly the liquid was soaking his clothes and skin, the stench of the it dousing him.


travis' orbs blew up wide, but it was too late.

the flame flickered to life, and soon enough, he was engulfed in the fire.

the boy screamed, the agony unbearable.

legs scrambling to move, to get anywhere, away from the burning of his skin.

travis couldn't see where he was going, his own vision was on fire.

he couldn't even stop himself when his body tipped over the ledge of the building, and he plummeted down to his death.

the cracking of his neck and bones heard all around the surrounding students on the playground.

and then the screams.

jeongguk peeked over to where travis had disappeared to, grimacing when he see's the burnt body lifeless on the floor and hears the annoying shrieking of younger students ringing in his ear.


but as jeongguk slowly came down from his adrenaline high, and the true consequences of his actions dawned on him, the teen quickly scrambled for his phone.

punching in the only digits on his mind, the boy raised the beeping ringtone to his ear as he nervously gnawed on his nails.

thank god that other picked up.

"hyung? please don't be mad... but i... i did something really bad."

end of 25

okay, so uh, read the title and if ykyk

but this was kinda shit lol my writing is 📉📉

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