Chapter 1: A normal day gone wrong pt1

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My name is Luna I live in Malibu,CA.I have brown hair and one brown eye and the other is blue. My skin is light brown it changes to dark brown in the warm seasons and then turns lighter in the colder seasons. I have a pet wolf (i know weird right but i will tell you soon) ,Etoile, witch means star in french. I got her when she was a pup and she has been with me ever sense. Right now I'm 17 and I live with my mean and cruel god parents. How are they mean you may ask? Well they make me do all the chores around the house and if I don't finish most of them they'll beat me till I cant stand on my own two feet.Today I am going to school after getting suspended for fighting with a boy who teased and punched me. 

But I have to stay home and get beat and he gets off Scott-free.Have you ever felt like you just didn't belong and you were so much different from everybody else? I guess that's just me. When I woke up Mark got me up and tells me to get up and do some chores before I go to school and if I don't I will regret it. I cant wait till i leave they cant live their lives with out me. When I got done with half of my chores I went in the shower for five mins. I only get to have cold seance I make the bills high already at least that's what Mark and Tammy say. When I got finished getting dressed I finished the last of my chores and got ready to go to the hellhole called school. 

I have to take the bus seance the school is in another town that all the kids are zoned for. I steal don't understand that any way.I was going to head out the door when Tammy stopped me and said when I got back that I had to do more chores when I get home and I needed to be home by 4:00 or else. I know what 'or else' means so I guess I will be home by 4 great(do u feel the sarcasm in the air). While I was walking to my bus stop I thought of leaving like running away or fighting them back give them a taste of their own medicine. But then I thought of the consequences like if I run away were will  go and will they find me and what will I do and if I fight back they might hurt me more. 

So I don't know what to do. I was brought out of my thinking by the barking of Etoile, my wolf. Everybody knows about me and Etoile and I get teased at school for it and I also get stares from the people in the town and the town where my school is. I love my wolf I found her in the woods near my house. Her pack was killed by hunters but now its illegal to kill wolves. I took her in and she loves me and I love her. She always follows me to my bus stop and sometimes she comes on the on the bus with me she is really good at hiding (sometimes I think she part fox).Today she really wanted to come and I really didn't mind but I still don't want her to her to get caught.She hid behind some bushes near my bus stop till the bus came.

 There was other kids who took my bus stop i hated every second standing there nobody ever said hi i felt so alone. The only thing that they ever said to me when I get there is 'freak' or 'weirdo' etc. I try not to let it get to me but sometimes its to much for me to handle. That's also another reason why Etoile always stays with me she fills the need to protect me. I don't know why but she does. When i was standing there and minding my own business one of the girls come up to me and says ''Hey you, whats your name'' she said. This girl had red hair with blond streaks with a pair of jeans and a pink shirt with the sentence 'no boyfriend no problem'. I looked over at her and said''I'm Luna, why do you ask?''

I asked wondering why in the world would somebody ask me what my name is. ''Oh guys did you here that the freak's name is Luna'' she said ''What kind of name is that an way'' the girl asked me all in my space now ''Its french for moon and I am not a freak'' I say in my calmest voice I can get through without making it seem like cared about what she said ''Oh really did your daddy give you that name'' she said ''Oh right your parents are dead'' now that got me mad but I kept my calm and I had to correct this girl so she doesn't get her facts wrong. ''Actually yes, my father did give me this name and yes they are died but I don't think its none of your business'' I said with a deeper voice.

 ''Oh did I hurt the little wolf girl's feeling'' she said mocking me. ''No, I just think you should back off before something happens'' I said steal in my deeper voice ''Is that a threat,FREAK'' she said almost yelling at me. Just then Etoile started to growl and show her teeth. ''You could say that but I'm not violent but she is'' I say pointing at the now mad wolf.


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