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"Hello? Yes, Manager? Yes, I'm heading straight to the modeling studio right now." Gulf said and hung up the phone. He was still in his classroom, packing up his thing. When he finished packing up, he turned to leave and found a certain someone standing there.

"Hey, babe. You going to the modeling studio right now?" Mew asked and Gulf sighed. Gulf pushed Mew out of the way and locked the door when the both of them were out of the room. He locked the room and turned to leave, but Mew trapped him against the wall, with both arms on the sides of Gulf.

"Teacher, can you please drive me home? I didn't bring my car today and I waited so late for you to finish your work that the buses left a long time ago." Mew faked a pout.

Gulf wasn't buying it, "Then ask you parents to drive you back."

"But, I live alone. My parents are in America." Mew smirked slightly, knowing that Gulf have no choice, but to drive him.

Gulf hesitated for a bit, but agreed, "Fine. Let's go to my car." Mew grinned and let go of Gulf.

The taller walked quickly, because he wasted a lot of time already. And now he have to drive a student back home. They got inside the car and put on their seat belt.

"Oh, shoot." Gulf realized that if he drive Mew back home, He would be extremely late for the shooting.

"If you think that you would be extremely late to your photo shoot after you drop me off at my house, then you should just bring me along with you to the shooting," Mew grinned slyly and Gulf wanted to slap that grin off of his face, but he can't deny that Mew's plan was the most efficient. He sighed loudly and began the drive to the studio.

They arrived to the studio and Mew just followed Gulf into the studio. Gulf walked quickly, since he wasted a lot of time already because of a certain student.

"Ah, Nong Gulf! Hurry! We have to get you ready!" Gulf's manager hurried the younger into the dressing/setup room as Mew followed with a displeased frown when he saw the manager touched Gulf's shoulders.

Gulf sat down and the makeup artists went to work to help him get ready for the photo shoot. Mew stayed quiet and stared at Gulf from behind.

"Oh? Nong, who is this handsome boy here with you?" The manager asked and observed Mew's appearance.

"Ah, that's a student of mine. He wanted to wait for me after school, so that he can ask me about the assignments coming up. But he didn't want to bother me, so he ended up waiting for an hour outside my classroom. There was no buses that late, so I decided to drive him. Again, bad luck, I forgot that I have a photo shoot after school. That's why I brought him with me." Gulf answered back and the manager made an 'o' face.

"My, oh, my. He is indeed handsome though! Say, kid. Do you want to become a model too?" The manager asked and Mew smiled.

"I would love to, but it's hard for me to find someone who wants me to model," Mew dramatically sighed.

The manager gasped, "No way!" He snapped his finger and a few more appeared out of nowhere. The artists seem to understand what the manager wanted them to do and they grabbed Mew to the chair next to Gulf. Mew smirked at Gulf and the artists went to work with Mew.

After about 15 minutes of putting makeup and trying to dress Gulf and Mew with the branded clothes, they finally finished and the two went to the setup.

Mew admired his teacher. Gulf didn't have a lot of makeup on because he already looked handsome and eye-catching. His big eyes and pink plump lips were perfect. So was his nose and eyebrows. Everything about him was perfect in Mew's eyes.

The makeup was to help brighten Gulf's young and beautiful features. A bit of highlight and a bit of lipstick to make his lips popped. Wearing branded clothes made him look expensive and even more handsome. The clothes bring out his mature and sexy looks.

A literal beauty was standing in front of Mew and that erased every single person Mew have slept with before from his mind. Right that instinct, only Gulf was on his mind.

Gulf was liking what Mew was wearing too. It made the student look very attractive and mature at the same time. His sharp eyes and pink lips were as well perfect. The makeup artists did him good. They know what looks good on the older.

The teacher have to admit that Mew looked very sexy and tempting with that outfit on. He have a strong build and a strong chest that can make everyone drool over him. Gulf wasn't drool over him, but he really liked what he saw.

They stood in the middle of the set as some of the artists helped fixing their clothes for the shoot.

"Mew, you sure about modeling right now?" Gulf asked and Mew shrugged, "Why not? I mean, I have the looks and charms. Who wouldn't fall for such attractive guy like me?"

Gulf snickered a bit, "Well, aren't you cocky..."

They continued the photo shoot and in just 3 takes, they got the perfect take.

They continued the photo shoot and in just 3 takes, they got the perfect take

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"This is perfect!" The photographer exclaimed and clapped his hand together. "You guys did amazing! Gulf, you did amazing as usual! And you, Nong!" He pointed at Mew and gave him a thumb up, "You were amazing as well! My, you guys have such good talent and great looks!"

Gulf giggled, "Thank you for the compliment, P'Bright!"

Mew chuckled and smirked, "Thanks for the compliment, Phi."

Bright smiled and said, "You guys are welcomed and go change. It's getting late, don't you have to go to school tomorrow?"

Gulf gasped when he saw the time on his watch and quickly nodded, "Oh my goodness! It is late! Okay then, we will head off now. Goodbye, Phi!" He said and grabbed Mew's arm, pulling him to the dressing room to change and get ready to go home.





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