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A month later...

"Gulf baby! I missed you!" Mew cried as he ran into Gulf's house and tackled the other with a bear hug.

"I missed you, too. But this is just a slight fever. I'm going to be okay by tomorrow." Gulf laughed and patted Mew's back.

Mew pouted, "But you weren't at school today! And I have to go through the whole day with out looking at your beautiful face! Instead, I have to look at a old woman's face."

Gulf frowned, "Now, now. Don't you dare insult someone like that. She was just a substitute teacher for my classes. Besides, she's only 28 years old. She did nothing wrong to you."

Mew rolled his eyes and Gulf closed the door behind him. They went to the diner table and took a seat.

"But, baby! You have no idea! Fine, she isn't that old, but she can't compare to your beauty." Mew grinned and caressed Gulf's face, who chuckled.

"That woman tried to flirt with me! It was disgusting! I tried to leave the class quickly as possible to avoid her when the bell ranged, but she called me back to stay behind! Because she 'needed to talk to me about something'!" Mew cringed at the memory of it as Gulf frowned.

"When I stayed behind, she touched my arm and my chest! It was so damn disgusting! Then she got even closer to me! I'm fucking traumatized." Mew cringed hard and hugged himself.

Gulf frowned deeper, "Then? What did you do?"

"I pushed her away as hard as I can and she fell onto her ass. I threatened her by saying that I will report her if she doesn't stop touching me like that. And I tried to leave, but she pulled me back again. She fucking hugged me! And she tried to whisper in my ears! I swear, I was about to punch her so fucking hard in the face." Mew facepalmed.

Gulf placed his hand on Mew's hand, "And happened?"

Mew looked at the other's eyes, "I pushed her away and went to the office. I reported her." He deadpanned and Gulf frowned again.

"Did she got taken away by the officials?" Gulf questioned and Mew nodded.

"I haven't seen her the whole day since morning. The officials surprisingly believed me. When I asked why did they believed me so easily, they said that the woman tried to flirt with them too. And that caused them to raise suspicion on her." Mew shrugged and Gulf nodded.

"That's good that she was taken away. If she tried to do that to underage kids, she would have done a crime." Gulf shook his head disappointment. "If I have known that she would this kind of thing, I would have... Actually, I'm not able to do anything. It's the school's choice to choose the substitutes." He sighed.

Mew patted his lover's back, "It's okay, baby. Let's eat the food that I brought!"

Gulf nodded and Mew opened the lid of the container."Is that red beans and scallop congee? It looks good!"

Mew nodded and got a spoon, "Say 'Ah'."

Gulf smiled and opened his mouth. He tasted the congee and was shocked, "Wow. It tastes very good! Your cooking is very good!"

Mew laughed nervously. "Well, that's the thing. The servants cooked it as I'm the one who asked them to do so. But I did help out! And they were so shocked that I tried to help them!"

Gulf giggled, "That's because I think you don't cook as much. And they are the one normally cooking for you and you're the one who ask for the food. They were shocked because you knew go to the kitchen and cook with them!"

Mew laughed awkwardly and nodded, "It's true that I don't go to the kitchen a lot. When I asked them to cook the congee today, they nodded. And I tried to help them by getting the ingredients ready for them." He said proudly as he fed Gulf another spoonful of the congee that he helped cooked.

Gulf smiled and swallowed the congee, "I'm proud that you helped your servants once in awhile. It doesn't hurt to help out someone."

Mew blushed and grinned, "Nope! Here, just eat and not talk. Or else you will choke."

Gulf nodded and Mew continued to feed Gulf the congee. Soon, Gulf finished the congee and Mew brought the medicine from the kitchen to Gulf, who was in his room resting.

"Baby, wake up. You have to take your medicine." Mew shook Gulf and the other slowly got up from his bed.

Mew handed him the pill and Gulf took it, putting it in his mouth. Then he handed the glass of water for Gulf and the other gulped it down along with the pill. Mew waited until he finished drinking the glass of water and took it back to wash it.

He walked back to Gulf's bedroom and sat at the bedside. "Baby, are you still feeling okay?"

Gulf smiled weakly and nodded, "I'm feeling okay now. You need to get home now. Go home, Mew. I don't want you to get the cold from me..."

Mew shook his head, "I don't care about getting the cold from you. I want to stay with you."

Gulf's lips twitched upwards, "Mew, if you don't go home now and catch the cold from me, you won't be able to see me at school tomorrow. "

Mew gasped and quickly got up from the bed, "Okay then. I'm going to get going now. I will see you at school tomorrow. Rest well tonight, baby." Mew said and leaned down to kiss Gulf's forehead.

Gulf nodded, "Okay. Goodbye, Mew. See you tomorrow."

Mew smiled and waved goodbye. Gulf waved goodbye back to Mew and watched him leave his room. Mew didn't want to leave Gulf's side and he really wanted to stay with Gulf , since Gulf was very weak at the moment and Mew wanted to take care of him.

But he also didn't want to get sick because if he did got sick, then he wouldn't be able to see Gulf at school and he needed to wait until Gulf finished work to see him, which will be almost evening.

He sighed and left the house, sulking like a little child who didn't get to see their crush.





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