Chapter 6

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Two days had passed since the arrival of the raiding party. The children had been fed and prepared. Tomorrow morning early, using one of the supply wagons the children would be taken to the slave master in Damascus. The auction would start at the eleventh hour.

Naaman, the General of the army had been staying at the base since the captives arrived. Normally he would ride from his mansion in Damascus to the army base and return home in the afternoon. He would return home tomorrow after the children had been taken to the slave master.

Jaden, minding his own business, was on his way to the mess tent to get some breakfast, when he passed the General's tent. The flap opened and one of Naaman's commanders stuck his head out. "Hey you! Soldier, come here." He shouted, addressing Jaden. He continued, "Make haste man, the General wants to see you. What's your name?"
"Jaden, sir"
"Where are you going?"
"To the mess tent, sir"
"That can wait. Come, get inside"
"Yes sir"
Jaden preceded the Commander into the General's tent. It was the first time he had been in the General's tent. The tent was spacious and consisted of a sleeping division, the main reception area and a dressing room.

Jaden bowed his head and beat his chest with his clenched fist in the customary salute. The Commander said, "This is Jaden, sir. The soldier that has volunteered."
Naaman smiled, knowing full well that the poor soldier had just been forcefully commandeered.
"Ah my dear Jaden" Naaman began, "So good of you to volunteer " Naaman emphasised, raising his eyebrows and glancing towards the ranked officer. Jaden stood silently at attention, amazed and totally confused.
Naaman continued,
"This is my armour bearer, who normally sees to the cleaning and polishing of my armour, has unfortunately taken ill. I'm attending an important function tomorrow and need my tunic and armour in presentable condition. It would please me if you could take over his duties and do the necessary. What say you young man?"
Jaden quickly brought his jumbled thoughts into order. He knew a command when he heard one, even if it was clothed as a flowery request. Jaden stuttered, "Sir, yes sir "
The General, pointing to the dressing room, said, "Good! Everything you need is in there. You can start right away." Turning to his commander he said, " Now where were we?"
Jaden realised the last phrase doubled as his dismissal so he went into the dressing area and closed the curtain.

"We were discussing the new consignment of slaves. You were saying something about your wife...." The Commander replied.
"Ah yes." Naaman mused. "My wife and I have a little one year old. Sweet little boy, but quite uncontrollable at times. So much so, that the nursemaid we employed has been driven away. Refuses to return, even under threat of losing her pay. Very inconvenient. I was wondering if perhaps I should bid for one of the slaves we captured. At least they can't just up and leave us in the lurch. Anyway I will discuss it with my wife. Do you think there are any suitable candidates amongst the new arrivals?"
The Commander not knowing anything about the suitability of the children as nursemaids, replied. "I'm sure there will be someone suitable. Perhaps an older sister who is used to looking after a younger brother."
Naaman holding up his finger, replied, "Good idea. I'll make some inquiries."
The Commander asked, "Anything else, sir?"
Naaman replied, "No no, thank you. That's all for now"
The Commander saluted and left. Naaman opened the curtain to the dressing room and peeped in. "How's it going in here. Are you managing?" He said.
Jaden answered, "Everything's fine sir."
But nervously continued, "Sir, may I speak freely, sir?"
"Why of course young man." Naaman replied.
Jaden continued. "Sir, I was one of the raiding party that captured the children"
Naaman eyed the soldier, his interest piqued, but said nothing.
"I couldn't help overhearing your discussion with the Commander. There was a young Hebrew girl amongst the slaves who proved to be quite different from the other children. She never acted in a hysterical manner when captured. She was always kind to the other children, especially the younger ones. She had the forethought to bring extra clothes, which she gave away on the first day to children who only had under garments. I really think she would be most suitable for you and your wife."
Naaman thought for a moment, then answered.
"I appreciate your recommendation, but there is just one problem. Even I don't have the authority to change the rules of the auction. No one can buy a particular slave for a set price. They go to the highest bidder. If this girl you recommend is as good as you say, she will fetch a high price, probably more than I am willing to pay. A pity though, she sounds exactly like the type of person we were looking for. That's just the way it is."
Naaman patted the young soldier on the back and left. Jaden felt a bit downcast, he hoped that Gisse would get a good master or mistress.

The following morning the old hostler presented himself at the General's tent. The guards waved him in. After saluting he said, "You sent for me sir, General sir?"
"Yes, my old friend, but first tell me, did the slaves leave for Damascus without any hitch?"
The old hostler replied,
"Yes sir, General sir. Bright and early. Loaded that supply wagon well and good."
"I actually summoned you to prepare my chariot. I think I might attend the auction. Apparently their is a Hebrew girl that I have been advised to bid on. Probably won't get her though."
The hostler shook his head and said.
"Begging your pardon sir, General sir, but that's not a General talking. You've never gone into battle with a perhaps we'll win....probably not...attitude. You're bound to loose with talk like that!"
Naaman enjoyed the old soldier's forthrightness but answered as if annoyed.
"OK Mr. Know-it-all, if you were my strategist, what plan would you devise for this mission."
Not even noticing the General's taunt but glad for a chance to let his mind run wild, the hostler started pacing up and down the tent. His face serious and with furrowed brow he laid out his plan. "If you really want this particular girl, and by the way, I know a young girl amongst the children who is kind, and smart, and innocent and who deserves a good master, I would be happy to point her out to you. Sorry sir, General sir, I got a bit sidetracked. You have to confuse the enemy.
If I was you, I would send someone ahead to keep an eye on the target. Make sure she's Ok. Also to be there to help with the evacuation when the time comes. If I was you, I would ride into Damascus with 50 armed soldiers and surround the auction proceedings. I would stand to one side in the shadows. Every now and then, on your command, the soldiers would stomp their feet and bang on their shields. This behaviour would serve the purpose of confusing the crowd and interfer with the bidding. I, as your secret agent, would then, while the young girl is up for bidding, suggest to the slave master that he should close the bidding in favour of the Captain in the shadows. My reasoning to that scoundrel would be that if the Captain gets what he wants, even if the bidding might go higher, the Captain would leave, taking his men with him and consequently leave the rest of the auction to be conducted in peace. I'm sure any reasonable man would see the benefits of such an action."

The General, so caught up in the hostlers plan, and feeling like a school boy who is about to play a prank on his neighbour, excitedly said,
"You and that young soldier, Jaden, for I have a feeling that the young Hebrew girl you and he are talking about is one and the same, take my chariot and park it in one of the side streets close to the auction. If we succeed in this venture, I will take the girl home in the chariot myself. Make ready my horse and I will rouse 50 men and race to Damascus and surround the auction as you said. Make haste for we haven't much time before the auction starts.
This is one battle we don't want to loose!

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