Chapter 8

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Naaman arrived home and led Gisse into the house. He called, "Eadith, Eadith"
" the kitchen" His wife answered. The kitchen was a hive of activity. Eadith and the servants were busy preparing for Naaboth's birthday party. Naaboth was Naaman and Eadith's son who was turning one year old. Naaman approached his wife to receive his normal greeting, a hug and a kiss. Eadith turned and blew an air kiss, her hands covered in flour. Knowing his disappointed would surface, she quickly added. "Sorry my husband but there is so much to do, I cannot afford the time for pleasantries now. I will come to you when we are finished."

Eadith noticed the slave girl and raising her eyebrows, inquired, "And who is this?"
Naaman shuffled his feet, indicating how he was dreading this moment. He awkwardly answered. "This is Gisse. I bought her at the slave auction this morning."
His wife, hands on her hips, asked, "And why was I not consulted in this matter. Oh Naaman, why now? Have you no consideration for the tasks that have to be completed before tomorrow. Go!...just go, and take the child with you. I have no time to play nursemaid now."
Naaman tried to defend his actions. "I had no time to contact you. It was a last minute decision. I thought you could do with some help, especially with Naaboth. I'm sure she can be of some help in the kitchen."
With that being said, he spun round and left the kitchen. The mistress and the slave girl stared at each other for a long while. Eadith finally broke the silence. Throwing her arms in the air and spraying flour everywhere, she said, "Oh for goodness sake stop staring at me"
Turning to one of the paid servants, she sighed, "Maria, take this child to your room and give her one of your work tunics. Hurry back, we can't waste anymore time." As they were leaving the kitchen, Eadith shouted after them, "And loose that horse blanket you're wearing. It even smells like horse dung.....burn it!"

The house was quite. The servants had left for their rooms in the outbuildings. No noise came from the kitchen, but wonderful smells seemed to escape through every opening and crack in the door. Naaman sat quietly reading some reports. The door to the study opened, Eadith stood for a moment in the doorway, haloed by the light from the hallway. She had discarded her work tunic and changed into a sheer satin gown. Her body now silhouetted by the light behind her. Naaman couldn't help thinking that his wife looked like an angel entering the room. She floated to the chair where he was sitting, bent over, and kissed him tenderly...on the lips. Naaman in turn, pulled her down until she flopped into his lap. He smiled and said, "Now that's a proper greeting, don't you ever fob me off with an air kiss again."
"I was busy"
"I don't care"
She took his face in her hands and kissed him again. When their lips parted, he said. "What was that for?"
"Just a little something to say I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"For snapping at you in the kitchen this morning "
"So how did our little slave girl conduct herself? "
"I must say you are a very good judge of character "
"I had a bit of help."
"I was pleasantly surprised. She's very bright, you don't have to show her anything twice. Very handy around the kitchen. She's also very knowledgeable when it comes to food. Knew the names of all the fruit and vegetables. Maria started her off washing pots and dishes but it soon became clear she was wasted just doing that. I have to admit she really was a big help today. How did you get to choose her?"
Naaman answered, "Two of my men were on the raiding party that captured her. She apparently made a big impact on them. They both came back singing her praises. They came up with a plan so that I would be assured my bid would be accepted."
Being curious Eadith asked, "Who were the two men?"
"The one was a young soldier, named Jaden. The other was my old hostler."
"That old mad chancer! No wonder the poor child smelt like horses. I told her to burn her tunic. "
"Hey! That was army issue. It's what all the slaves wear."
Eadith answered,
"Not in my house. Tomorrow is Naaboth's birthday party, I won't have a chance, but I will buy her some clothes and sandals the next day. Can't have her looking like a slave when looking after our son, even if she is one.
Let's go to bed, I have a big day tomorrow."
Naaman answered, "Yes, with a hundred screaming children running all over the house."
"Twenty-five" His wife corrected.
"Twenty-five too many!" He retorted.
They both burst out laughing.

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