Chapter Eight

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Damon and Caroline meet up. "You don't think she would do you?" Caroline asks after Damon told her what Stefan concerns. "I think she might. - we have to stop. - before she does." Damon spoke. "But I want Klaus." Caroline now whined like a two year old. "And I want Elena back. - but we are only driving her more and more into Klaus's arms." Damon spoke. "Right. - you are right. - we should stop. - we have to. - they will break up. - right?" Caroline now paced around the woods. "Right. - they will. - I know it." Damon now smirked. Not that they realised but they were too late.

Elena had now woken up from transitioning into a vampire

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Elena had now woken up from transitioning into a vampire. She never felt more alive. More powerful. And thirsty. She saw Bonnie standing there in the corner. But she turned she didn't want to hurt her best friend. She saw Klaus standing there. With two blood bags. " I thought you might want these love." Klaus then neared Elena and gave her the bags. Elena took them. And drank them both. "Thank you." Elena neared Klaus and kissed him. Bonnie who was standing there. Watching these two. Could see how perfect they were together. She saw how Klaus changed. She saw a different Klaus. He is not the same Klaus that came here. And she smiled. Big. She saw Elijah standing there. He was smiling. He couldn't be happier for his brother.

Elena went to visit Jeremy

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Elena went to visit Jeremy. "Come in Elena." Jeremy spoke. Elena walked in. She explained why she was turned. She explained how she felt about Klaus. Elena was waiting for Jeremy's response. She was nervous. She didn't want Jeremy to hate her. She couldn't bare it. "As long as you are happy. - I'm happy." Jeremy spoke. Damon and Caroline knocked on the door. Jeremy answered it. "Hello little Gilbert. - is Elena here?" Damon spoke. "Why don't you listen?" Jeremy sneered. "No she's not." Caroline spoke. Elena came to the door. "Think again blonde." Elena spat.


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